Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki
[12:46] <Ursuul> hi
[12:47] <Tacocat247> hi ursuul
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> hi master ursuul 
[12:47] <TBOO-Y> (hi)
[12:48] <TBOO-Y> *Everybody is out*
[12:48] <TBOO-Y> (brb again)
[12:48] <Tacocat247> (master ursuuuuuuuul)
[12:49] <Ursuul> am attempting to resurrect Özün lol
[12:49] <Tacocat247> nj
[12:49] <Tacocat247> *mk
[12:50] <Özün Oldun> Eredhras ono thelduin
[12:50] <Ursuul> k done
[12:50] <Ursuul> also did u know Taco
[12:50] <Ursuul> you’re the only user on this Wiki with more edits than Özün :3
[12:50] <Tacocat247> I know about tacos 
[12:50] <Tacocat247> What>
[12:50] <Tacocat247> ?
[12:50] <Tacocat247> XD
[12:50] <Ursuul> lol
[12:51] <Tacocat247> lol
[12:51] <Theelementalmaster> In the span of like 1 month ozun almost got 4K edits
[12:51] <Ursuul> Özün is a hard worker ;)
[12:51] <Theelementalmaster> Yea
[12:51] <Ursuul> in point of fact, while she’s helping with the merge categories, she might (just might) make 10K edits
[12:51] <Tacocat247> Shrek wÖt r u doin
[12:52] <Tacocat247> Pleasing thÖ meme godz
[12:52] <Tacocat247> *Tear*
[12:52] <Tacocat247> >drip>
[12:52] <Tacocat247> Ursuul
[12:53] <Tacocat247> R u truley a master?
[12:53] <Tacocat247> *truly 
[12:53] <Theelementalmaster> If we add a zathsu the chat is complete
[12:53] <Theelementalmaster> Well if zathsu adds a zathsu
[12:53] <Tacocat247> [[How to catch a Wild Zathus]]
[12:53] <Tacocat247> this is a real page
[12:54] <Theelementalmaster> Dats a zathus
[12:54] <Theelementalmaster> wat bout zathsu?
[12:54] <Tacocat247> (same thing works
[12:54] <Theelementalmaster> no
[12:54] <Tacocat247> OMG I FOUND A WILD URSUUL (jk)
[12:54] <Theelementalmaster> zathsu is smarter
[12:55] <Tacocat247> Zathsu is female
[12:55] <Theelementalmaster> yea
[12:55] <Tacocat247> THats the reason why?
[12:55] <Tacocat247> I HAVE DOUBLE STUFFED OREOS!
[12:55] <Theelementalmaster> No
[12:56] <Theelementalmaster> a Zathsu's brain is more complex
[12:56] <Tacocat247> It has 1 extra neuron
[12:56] <Tacocat247> So its 99% smarter
[12:56] <Tacocat247> xD
[12:57] <Theelementalmaster> The only way to trap a zathsu is to use quadruple stuffed Oreos and chant "Swords must bleed-cough" I mean "Blood must swing- NO" ok, you get it right?
[12:57] <Theelementalmaster> i think
[12:57] <Tacocat247> Actuallu
[12:58] <Tacocat247> no
[12:58] <Tacocat247> I caught one before
[12:58] <Tacocat247> You just have to wait
[12:58] <Theelementalmaster> ive caught many with the that tactic
[12:58] <Tacocat247> And she will come...
[12:58] <Theelementalmaster> Yea
[12:58] <Tacocat247> I hate oreos so
[12:58] <Tacocat247> (Yes i actually hate Oreos)
[12:59] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/6/6b/Daktor_Lakys.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/620?cb=20170621025751"]
[12:59] <Tacocat247> DAKTOR?
[12:59] <Theelementalmaster> (WHAAAAAAAAAAA)
[12:59] <Theelementalmaster> Hopefully a zathus didn't hear dat
[01:00] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/1/15/TurretSock.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/100?cb=20170622154158"]
[01:00] <Tacocat247> :3
[01:00] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/1/15/TurretSock.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/500?cb=20170622154158"]
[01:00] <Theelementalmaster> Yes
[01:00] <Tacocat247> TURRET SOCK
[01:00] <Theelementalmaster> —3
[01:00] <Tacocat247> The Background is perfect
[01:01] <Theelementalmaster> yea
[01:01] <Tacocat247> 4 teams layout :3
[01:01] <Theelementalmaster> Yea......
[01:01] <Theelementalmaster> 4 Teamz
[01:01] <Tacocat247> Fun Fact
[01:01] <Theelementalmaster> ?
[01:01] <Tacocat247> The arrangement of colors is the same as the mothership on teamerz's profile pic
[01:02] <Theelementalmaster> Cool
[01:04] <Theelementalmaster> Zathsu is a Sub-Species of the Zathus Species and has been known to worship "Master Ursuul" as their God.
[01:04] <Theelementalmaster> hi
[01:04] <Theelementalmaster> Not much else is known about them.
[01:05] <Tacocat247> uhuh yed
[01:05] <Tacocat247> i seee
[01:06] <Tacocat247> dooyb
[01:06] <Theelementalmaster> Zathus is the dominant species of the planet "Diep.ioConceptionWiki" along with "Conceptors", they are the leaders of the planet and protect it with all of their might. 
[01:09] <Tacocat247> tg
[01:09] <Tacocat247> gtg
[01:09] <Tacocat247> might be bqck
[01:09] <Theelementalmaster> Bye
[01:09] <Tacocat247> *back
[01:18] <Tacocat247> baack
[01:18] <Tacocat247> hOI
[01:20] <Tacocat247> hihiURs
[01:20] <Tacocat247> *Ursuul
[01:20] <Tacocat247> Stop having a siesure
[01:21] <Tacocat247> [rainbow]Thingy
[01:21] <Ursuul> hi
[01:21] <Ursuul> oh
[01:22] <Ursuul> was I seizuring 
[01:22] <Tacocat247> Yes
[01:22] <Tacocat247> Anyways
[01:22] <Tacocat247> ursuul
[01:22] <Tacocat247> [[MediaWiki:Illuminati.js]]
[01:22] <Tacocat247> New command
[01:22] <Tacocat247> [rainbow]
[01:23] <Ursuul> oh
[01:23] <Ursuul> cool
[01:23] <Ursuul> [rainbow]kewl
[01:23] <Ursuul> welp
[01:23] <Ursuul> that didn’t work lol
[01:23] <Tacocat247> Turn on test mode
[01:24] <Tacocat247> and refresh chat
[01:24] <Tacocat247> [o][u][s]This exists
[01:24] <Ursuul> naw
[01:25] <Ursuul> SR pls gib snax
[01:25] <Ursuul> I hunger
[01:25] <Ursuul> also Taco can I give you a small job?
[01:26] <Tacocat247> Yes?
[01:26] <Tacocat247> (Editing template
[01:26] <Ursuul> Can you make sure all new pages are categorized in [[Category:Pages]]?
[01:26] <Tacocat247> Every page?
[01:26] <Ursuul> yup
[01:26] <Ursuul> any new page made
[01:26] <Tacocat247> I dunno if i can do that
[01:26] <Tacocat247> Im not active in the morning
[01:26] <Tacocat247> only now
[01:26] <Ursuul> well you’d only need to check once every day or two
[01:27] <Tacocat247> mk
[01:27] <Ursuul> go to [[Special:Newpages]]
[01:27] <Ursuul> all there
[01:27] <Tacocat247> Ok
[01:27] <Ursuul> thx lad
[01:27] <Tacocat247> So
[01:27] <Tacocat247> Every page so far is there
[01:27] <Tacocat247> Mk
[01:27] <Ursuul> yep cuz I just went thru em
[01:27] <Tacocat247> Aah\
[01:28] <Tacocat247> Thansk
[01:28] <Ursuul> but like, tomorrow & each day after, if you could check & add the cats to the new ones
[01:28] <Ursuul> that’d be gr8
[01:28] <Tacocat247> mk
[01:28] <Tacocat247> (Adds page catagory)
[01:28] <Tacocat247> Idea for a thingy
[01:29] <Tacocat247> On templates, there can be code that automatically adds categories
[01:33] <Tacocat247> Ursuul
[01:34] <Tacocat247> Stop siezuring
[01:34] <Ursuul> o rip
[01:34] <Tacocat247> (How do u do dat?)
[01:36] <Tacocat247> Hello
[01:37] <II Finale II> howdy yall
[01:37] <II Finale II> feel like using up my creative juices here again
[01:38] <II Finale II> :thinking:
[01:38] <II Finale II> I want to be a mafia tribut
[01:38] <II Finale II> e
[01:39] <II Finale II> /)_-
[01:39] <II Finale II> make*
[01:39] <Tacocat247> mk
[01:41] <II Finale II> omg turret sock
[01:41] <Tacocat247> [[Turret Sock]]
[01:41] <II Finale II> yes
[01:41] <II Finale II> also hai Ursuul
[01:42] <II Finale II> I'm alive
[01:42] <II Finale II> apparently
[01:42] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/1/15/TurretSock.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/100?cb=20170622154158]
[01:42] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/1/15/TurretSock.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/100?cb=20170622154158"]
[01:42] <Tacocat247> There
[01:42] <Tacocat247> Turret Sock
[01:42] <II Finale II> oh darn my profile page still says I'm an admin on the official wiki :T
[01:42] <II Finale II> lol
[01:42] <II Finale II> Yea I just saw the page
[01:43] <Tacocat247> Former Staff
[01:43] <II Finale II> yeah.
[01:44] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/e/e9/CodeRedTacoBoss.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/100?cb=20170615205421"]
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Code: Red
[01:44] <Tacocat247> [[Code: Red]]
[01:45] <Ursuul> FINALE
[01:45] <Ursuul> HI
[01:45] <Ursuul> :D
[01:46] <II Finale II> HAI
[01:46] <Ursuul> ooooo
[01:47] <Ursuul> what about a game mode where you can create minions of some sort?
[01:47] <Ursuul> endlessly 
[01:47] <Ursuul> not like Tag, like you could actually accrue minions somehow, maybe by killing tanks, & then amass an army & control them
[01:47] <Ursuul> send ’em against other players
[01:47] <Ursuul> in a 5-times large server
[01:47] <II Finale II> Hmmm
[01:48] <II Finale II> :thinking:
[01:48] <Ursuul> that was an idea I was toying with but never managed to make a conception
[01:49] <Ursuul> too busy
[01:50] <II Finale II> I've seen a tank with that ability though
[01:50] <Ursuul> rly?
[01:50] <II Finale II> so Ii'm not 100% sure if I want to turn it into a gamemode
[01:50] <II Finale II> yea
[01:50] <II Finale II> a while abck
[01:51] <Ursuul> I was thinking like, an innate game-mode ability available regardless of the tank type
[01:51] <Ursuul> but I suppose it might not be fully original so whatevs
[01:51] <Ursuul> I soaked all my originality into [[Amphibian]], but even it isn’t really all that unique, just renditions of existing tanks that can be switched to
[01:52] <II Finale II> I've only got [[Chains(Finale)]] and [[Chancer]] as official pages :T
[01:52] <II Finale II> and now I hate them
[01:52] <Ursuul> lolrip
[01:52] <II Finale II> o
[01:52] <II Finale II> and one more, forgot tho
[01:52] <Ursuul> I have Amphibian that I’m proud of, & [[Auto Flank]] that someone else adopted 
[01:52] <Ursuul> Tacocat actually
[01:52] <Ursuul> adopted it
[01:52] <Ursuul> did a good job with it
[01:52] <Tacocat247> Thanks!
[01:53] <Ursuul> yw :)
[01:53] <Tacocat247> Im a good coder
[01:53] <Tacocat247> [[Template:TacoComplex2]]
[01:53] <Tacocat247> Look at this things code
[01:53] <Tacocat247> I made the entire thing from scratch 
[01:53] <Ursuul> A tabber & a bunch of gradients, nice
[01:53] <II Finale II> What I really want to make is some sort of story mode
[01:53] <Tacocat247> And an error message that took 2 hours to make
[01:54] <Tacocat247> Also, the gradient too me a while to make it the backgorund
[01:55] <II Finale II> oh.
[01:55] <II Finale II> wait.
[01:55] <II Finale II> [b]oh[/b]
[01:55] <II Finale II> [b][i][u]wait a second
[01:55] <Ursuul> lightbulb?
[01:55] <Tacocat247> [[Tankbulb]]
[01:55] <II Finale II> Remember Life as a Square ?
[01:55] <Ursuul> yep
[01:55] <Ursuul> I do
[01:55] <II Finale II> The 'Mutants'
[01:55] <II Finale II> they said they were going to take over
[01:55] <II Finale II> what if
[01:56] <II Finale II> They created their own boss version, and ended up destroying or enslaving the tanks
[01:56] <II Finale II> but then they also took over the other polygons and their bosses too
[01:57] <II Finale II> and they were mad
[01:57] <Ursuul> You could say that a horde of Necromancers were enslaving all the Polygons, & about their struggle to survive & band together to produce Summoner.
[01:57] <II Finale II> and it ended up with the polygons and the tanks teaming together
[01:57] <II Finale II> to bring them down
[01:57] <Ursuul> sounds gud
[01:58] <II Finale II> how should I do this though?
[01:58] <II Finale II> the storyline
[01:59] <Ursuul> point of view of one square 
[01:59] <Ursuul> [[]]*square
[01:59] <Ursuul> one on the fringe where the mutants are enslaving [[]]squares
[01:59] <Ursuul> he sees everyone vanishing & is confused & doesn’t know what to do
[02:00] <Ursuul> then someone (or something) saves him & takes him to the base
[02:00] <Ursuul> there he gains some courage & starts organizing fellow polygons 
[02:00] <Ursuul> to fight back
[02:00] <II Finale II> [s]what if you play as a square 
[02:00] <Tacocat247> Now playing: CasualBongos2.wav
[02:00] <Ursuul> PoV, playing as, whichever 
[02:00] <Tacocat247> I can say the word [/b]square without any editing
[02:00] <Ursuul> he fights back & fails, gets depressed & retreats, seems hopeless
[02:00] <Ursuul> then they consider creating a boss
[02:00] <Tacocat247> Be right back
[02:01] <Ursuul> they do, it is created, & they use it to win
[02:01] <Ursuul> you can of course, make that longer & fill it in
[02:01] <Ursuul> & change it up
[02:01] <Ursuul> but does that outline sound ok?
[02:01] <II Finale II> hmm
[02:01] <Ursuul> oh I got something, in the first attempt to fight back
[02:01] <II Finale II> that's polygons only though
[02:01] <Ursuul> whatever saves him
[02:01] <Ursuul> dies
[02:01] <The Tidal Wave> Hello guys
[02:01] <II Finale II> howdy
[02:02] <Ursuul> & that’s part of why he’s depressed & develops as a polygon character 
[02:02] <The Tidal Wave> U new?
[02:02] <Ursuul> Finale is a veteran 
[02:02] <The Tidal Wave> DW user?
[02:02] <Ursuul> former staff
[02:02] <II Finale II> Past admin here o/
[02:02] <The Tidal Wave> Oh.
[02:02] <II Finale II> now I'm just a random person who occasionally appears
[02:02] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:02] <II Finale II> and yells some
[02:02] <II Finale II> and then disappears for another two months
[02:03] <Ursuul> you planning to make anything for the Graphic contest?
[02:03] <Ursuul> for DW?
[02:03] <II Finale II> not sure atm
[02:04] <II Finale II> when's the deadline again
[02:04] <II Finale II> I might be able to make one during the holidays but idk at this moment in time
[02:04] <Ursuul> no deadline at this time
[02:04] <II Finale II> kek
[02:04] <Ursuul> because if the Merge happens it’ll fuck everything up lol
[02:04] <II Finale II> lmao
[02:04] <II Finale II> I'd rather not merge tbh
[02:04] <Ursuul> why’s that?
[02:04] <II Finale II> keep the facts and the ideas apart
[02:04] <Ursuul> well they would be
[02:04] <Ursuul> it’d be like [[w:c:avatar]]
[02:04] <II Finale II> I know but
[02:05] <II Finale II> oh
[02:05] <Ursuul> ye, they do it really well
[02:05] <II Finale II> still, I have a feeling it might confuse some users
[02:05] <II Finale II> like me :T
[02:06] <Ursuul> lol, but users get confused by simpler things all the time. Plus, each page would have massive warnings & labels on it saying it’s Fanon
[02:06] <Ursuul> if they’re still confused after that, there’s no hope for them XD
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> When's the merge?
[02:07] <II Finale II> I'm still not 100% sure
[02:07] <Ursuul> Anything more I could do to convince you Finale?
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> Hi Taco
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Back
[02:07] <II Finale II> A lot more.
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Hi 
[02:07] <Tacocat247> TTW, i made my 1st EToD idea
[02:07] <II Finale II> I have a reason why I want to keep them apart but I can't put it to words :T
[02:07] <Ursuul> @Tidal: It would start Monday if the votes holds out
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Ursuul
[02:08] <Ursuul> Well Finale, they really would be apart, in many ways, but together that lets communities overlap
[02:08] <Ursuul> & increases views for everyone
[02:08] <Ursuul> yes Taco?
[02:08] <Tacocat247> Tbh, i think Tidal would make a good Chat Mod
[02:08] <Tacocat247> Thats just my opinion though
[02:08] <Ursuul> Sure, I think so too, but that’s not my decision to make.
[02:08] <Tacocat247> Its Zathaua
[02:08] <Tacocat247> *Zathsus
[02:08] <II Finale II> I've only known Tidal for literally 5 seconds, so I don't really have a say on this :p
[02:08] <Tacocat247> On another note
[02:08] <Ursuul> lol
[02:08] <II Finale II> Zathus
[02:09] <Tacocat247> I found this song i really like
[02:09] <Ursuul> well Finale, you see Avatar? How it has 12K pages?
[02:09] <Ursuul> 10K of them are Fanon
[02:09] <II Finale II> Yeah, most are fanmade?
[02:09] <II Finale II> yep
[02:09] <Ursuul> but I bet you could find the actual canon articles you wanted easily
[02:09] <II Finale II> wait it has 2k legit pages
[02:09] <The Tidal Wave> Avatar wiki?
[02:09] <II Finale II> wot
[02:09] <Ursuul> & you could dive into the fanon too
[02:09] <The Tidal Wave> Which Avatar?
[02:09] <Ursuul> well all of the pages are legit pages
[02:10] <Ursuul> Avatar the Last Airbender 
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:10] <Ursuul> aka Avatar Legend of Korra
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> not the blue people
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> got it
[02:10] <Ursuul> aka Avatar shitty M Night Shyamalon Movie
[02:10] <Ursuul> ;)))
[02:10] <Tacocat247> Hey
[02:10] <Tacocat247> Im bored
[02:10] <II Finale II> oh an uh
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> same, taco
[02:10] <II Finale II> anyone want to see what I've been doing all of these months?
[02:11] <Ursuul> sure fam
[02:11] <II Finale II> https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Shatterfrost/
[02:11] <II Finale II> It's Scratch, I know -_-
[02:11] <Ursuul> looks pretty gud
[02:11] <II Finale II> but it's the closest I can get to legit coding atm
[02:11] <Ursuul> little heavy on the haze tho
[02:11] <II Finale II> Colourblind?
[02:11] <II Finale II> the cover's hazy but the actual thing is not
[02:12] <II Finale II> also look at mirror :eyes:
[02:12] <II Finale II> dangit discord
[02:12] <Tacocat247> Ho TBOO-Y!
[02:12] <Tacocat247> *Hi
[02:12] <Ursuul> whoa
[02:13] <Ursuul> that’s kinda awesome Finale
[02:13] <Ursuul> does it just play the rest of the song to the end or...
[02:14] <II Finale II> yea
[02:14] <II Finale II> and then it starts up again xD
[02:14] <Ursuul> oh otay
[02:14] <II Finale II> Mirror is going to get front pages on the 26th~
[02:14] <II Finale II> paged*
[02:14] <II Finale II> so I'm happy
[02:14] <Ursuul> front-paged?
[02:15] <Ursuul> aw shiet dubstep 
[02:15] <II Finale II> like, the front page of the website
[02:15] <II Finale II> lmao
[02:15] <II Finale II> also, check my userpage xP
[02:15] <II Finale II> on there
[02:15] <Ursuul> here or DW?
[02:15] <II Finale II> I mean
[02:15] <Ursuul> k
[02:15] <II Finale II> scratch
[02:15] <Ursuul> lenk me
[02:15] <II Finale II> https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Shatterfrost/
[02:16] <Ursuul> see you’ve got front-paged before
[02:16] <Ursuul> do you get moneh
[02:16] <II Finale II> unfortunately no
[02:16] <Ursuul> rip
[02:16] <II Finale II> but we are allowed to sell our stuff apparently
[02:17] <II Finale II> u just have to make something good enough xD
[02:17] <Ursuul> dewit fam
[02:17] <II Finale II> ehhh
[02:17] <II Finale II> I dunno
[02:17] <Ursuul> rake in da cash
[02:17] <II Finale II> I should sell the vector art I make, but idk about games
[02:17] <II Finale II> could*
[02:17] <II Finale II> should could
[02:17] <Ursuul> >can’t upvote without an account
[02:17] <Ursuul> gay
[02:18] <Tacocat247> Cha[
[02:18] <Tacocat247> *Chap
[02:18] <Tacocat247> Stop having a siezure
[02:18] <Ursuul> Chap pls
[02:18] <Tacocat247> Or ursuul will kek u
[02:18] <Ursuul> god I’m hungreh
[02:18] <Ursuul> Finale pls gib snax
[02:18] <Tacocat247> kek is the solution
[02:18] <Ursuul> kek = god
[02:18] <Ursuul> praise kek
[02:18] <Tacocat247> [[KEK]]
[02:19] <Ursuul> The Order of the Dark Oats lmao
[02:19] <II Finale II> interestingword
[02:19] <Tacocat247> Kek is female
[02:19] <Ursuul> is that joke conception
[02:19] <Ursuul> shouldn’t it be categorized as such?
[02:19] <Ursuul> god I need food
[02:19] <Tacocat247> i dunno
[02:20] <Tacocat247> Keking is foodies
[02:20] <II Finale II> EAT, URSUUL
[02:20] <Tacocat247> CHAp
[02:20] <Tacocat247> Ursuul will keke u
[02:20] <II Finale II> <span class="me-username">* <span>II Finale II</span></span> shushes a donut in ursuul's face
[02:20] <II Finale II> smush*
[02:20] <II Finale II> can't type today weither
[02:21] <Tacocat247> * II Finale II is cool
[02:21] <II Finale II> ...yep
[02:21] <Ursuul> I NEED MOAR
[02:23] <II Finale II> lmao
[02:23] <Tacocat247> Making a page
[02:23] <Tacocat247> Mirage Buster
[02:23] <Tacocat247> it sounds like a futuistic laser weapon
[02:25] <The Tidal Wave> cool name
[02:25] <Tacocat247> Thanks!
[02:32] <Tacocat247> Hey
[02:33] <Tacocat247> [[Mirage Buster]]
[02:34] <The Tidal Wave> guess the name huh?
[02:35] <Tacocat247> The name origin
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> Lol
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> It
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> was
[02:35] <Tacocat247> 150,000 points are at stake
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> Named after a mirage
[02:35] <Tacocat247> xD
[02:35] <Tacocat247> No
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> lolol
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> eh
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> Autobot Mirage?
[02:35] <Tacocat247> no
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> eh
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> out of Mirages
[02:36] <Tacocat247> Has nothing to do with mirages
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> I guess the Buster part of the name refers to it being highly destructive?
[02:36] <Tacocat247> Yes
[02:36] <Tacocat247> Thats part of it
[02:37] <Tacocat247> But you need to know the reference
[02:37] <Tacocat247> And its something you will nemer get
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> O.o
[02:37] <Tacocat247> (Why do i watch a show for little girls xD)
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> Don't tell me it's MLP.
[02:37] <Tacocat247> No
[02:37] <Tacocat247> But i do like MLP
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> Barbie?
[02:37] <Tacocat247> No
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:37] <Tacocat247> Has nothing to do with them
[02:37] <Tacocat247> They dont even mach
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> Powerpuff girls.
[02:37] <Tacocat247> No
[02:37] <Tacocat247> xD
[02:38] <Tacocat247> But you are getting somewhat closer
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> hey you said "show for little girls".
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> So i
[02:38] <Tacocat247> it is not a show for little girls
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[02:38] <Tacocat247> that was just a joke
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> oh
[02:38] <Tacocat247> (but i like Mlp
[02:38] <Tacocat247> (dont ask why)
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> so PPG is getting close
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> Ben 10
[02:38] <Tacocat247> Not close
[02:38] <Tacocat247> No
[02:38] <Tacocat247> Your getting colder
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> Samurai Jack?
[02:38] <Tacocat247> No
[02:39] <Tacocat247> Colder
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> (shoot)
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> hmm
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> We bare bears?
[02:39] <Tacocat247> No
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> Steven universe?
[02:39] <Tacocat247> No
[02:39] <Tacocat247> Warmer though'
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> ok...
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> definitely not gonna be spongebob
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> so
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:40] <Tacocat247> omg xD
[02:40] <Tacocat247> Ye its not spongebob
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> don't tell me it is spongebob.
[02:40] <Tacocat247> its not
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> wait nvm
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> Rick and Morty?
[02:40] <Tacocat247> You are so close
[02:40] <Tacocat247> but no]
[02:41] <The Tidal Wave> o.o
[02:41] <Tacocat247> (and its for kids)
[02:41] <The Tidal Wave> Adventure Time?
[02:41] <Tacocat247> (and its not back to the future)
[02:41] <Tacocat247> No
[02:41] <Tacocat247> YOU ARE GETTING CLOSER
[02:41] <The Tidal Wave> *loading*
[02:41] <The Tidal Wave> Please don't tell me it's Gumball.
[02:41] <Tacocat247> *Turns on task manager to make loading fastetr*
[02:41] <Tacocat247> Yes
[02:41] <Tacocat247> Amazing world of gumball
[02:41] <Tacocat247> :3
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> O.o
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> did not expect that.
[02:42] <Tacocat247> There was an un-aired episode where there is a world ending weapon called "The Mirage Buster
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> Oh ok.
[02:42] <Tacocat247> It was only mentioned once, in an interview
[02:42] <Tacocat247> So it was pretty obscure
[02:43] <Tacocat247> Comment on the page to get the points
[02:43] <Tacocat247> [[Mirage Buster]]
[02:43] <The Tidal Wave> yay
[02:44] <Tacocat247> You have to comment on the page
[02:44] <Tacocat247> xD
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> i just did
[02:44] <Tacocat247> lel
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> heh
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> where's the leaderbosrd
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> board*
[02:44] <Tacocat247> On my message wall
[02:44] <Tacocat247> You see the Message Wall Greeting box?
[02:44] <Tacocat247> There is a leaderboard tab
[02:44] <Tacocat247> Still
[02:45] <Tacocat247> Im pretty impressed
[02:45] <The Tidal Wave> yes i see the tab
[02:45] <Tacocat247> Just added your score
[02:45] <Tacocat247> Like my error message?
[02:46] <Tacocat247> CHap
[02:46] <Tacocat247> Stop
[02:46] <The Tidal Wave> error message?
[02:46] <Tacocat247> Yes
[02:46] <The Tidal Wave> the infinite boxes?
[02:46] <Tacocat247> No
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> where
[02:47] <Tacocat247> The box in the "Welcome!" Tab
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> oh
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> Nicely executed
[02:47] <Tacocat247> Took a few hours to code
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> i like how the x button brings you to the main page
[02:47] <Tacocat247> It does indeed
[02:47] <Tacocat247> The X is to exit to the main
[02:48] <Tacocat247> The expand window brings you to a page with error messages in it
[02:49] <The Tidal Wave> what the hell is your "Quantum Physics" tank
[02:49] <The Tidal Wave> oh
[02:49] <The Tidal Wave> too
[02:49] <The Tidal Wave> late
[03:10] <Teamerz> roar
[03:11] <The Tidal Wave> ROAT
[03:11] <The Tidal Wave> ROAR*
[03:11] <The Tidal Wave> hi teamz
[03:12] <Teamerz> hi
[03:18] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[03:24] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[03:29] <The Tidal Wave> hi SR
[03:32] <SuperRobot9338> Grav is the bottleneck for the entire merge
[03:32] <SuperRobot9338> Without him we can't do the main page, or anything for that matter
[03:33] <The Tidal Wave> cool
[03:33] <The Tidal Wave> I'm still neutral on the merge
[03:33] <SuperRobot9338> [big][b][i]*BEEP* GRAVIATAR, ARE YOU ON-LINE? PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU ARE. *BEEP*
[03:34] <II Finale II> o-o
[03:35] <SuperRobot9338> ugh
[03:35] <SuperRobot9338> without Graviatar, noting can get done
[03:36] <SuperRobot9338> *nothing
[03:36] <SuperRobot9338> I need to bribe him with Medals
[03:36] <SuperRobot9338> so he'll work faster
[03:36] <Teamerz> can you not pressure grav that much
[03:36] <Teamerz> ._.
[03:36] <SuperRobot9338> Ik
[03:36] <SuperRobot9338> I just always have something for him to do
[03:37] <SuperRobot9338> I'm trying, Ok?
[03:37] <Teamerz> try harder .3.
[03:37] <SuperRobot9338> I've already cancelled requests
[03:37] <Teamerz> im aware the job still has to be done
[03:37] <Teamerz> but m8 .3.
[03:39] <SuperRobot9338> I originally was planning to make him trace the Fan Kit as an SVG
[03:39] <SuperRobot9338> a ridiculously massive endeavour
[03:39] <SuperRobot9338> but I postponed that by a month
[03:47] <The Tidal Wave> Hi Zathus.
[03:48] <ZathusTheMageV> Hello
[03:48] <ZathusTheMageV> Sorry
[03:48] <ZathusTheMageV> Was working on something lol
[03:52] <Skye Sim> Ding-Dong
[03:52] <Skye Sim> Hello
[03:52] <ZathusTheMageV> Hello
[03:54] <The Tidal Wave> HI sim
[03:54] <Skye Sim> How's everyone?
[03:55] <ZathusTheMageV> Pretty good.
[03:55] <Teamerz> eh not so good
[03:57] <Skye Sim> Why?
[03:57] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[03:57] <The Tidal Wave> but still god
[03:58] <Teamerz> i dont have a lot of things to do this summer
[03:58] <The Tidal Wave> good*
[03:58] <Skye Sim> Oh
[03:58] <The Tidal Wave> i wish i was god
[03:58] <Teamerz> and soon i wont be able to chat with a bunch of people
[03:58] <Teamerz> so
[03:58] <Skye Sim> Why?
[03:58] <Teamerz> the merge
[03:58] <Skye Sim> Yeah, but you still can Chat
[03:59] <Teamerz> yeah but it wont be the same.
[03:59] <Skye Sim> Oh
[03:59] <Skye Sim> True
[03:59] <ZathusTheMageV> Because you're on a different wiki chat will be different?
[03:59] <ZathusTheMageV> Eh whatever.
[04:00] <ZathusTheMageV> I dont even want to talk about this..
[04:00] <Teamerz> everything will be different in the chat.
[04:01] <ZathusTheMageV> Not really. Nobody talks in DW chat. Everyone comes here.
[04:01] <ZathusTheMageV> So it'll just be these people in a slightly different colored chat room with more emotes. xD
[04:01] <ZathusTheMageV> I can even ask Ursuul to have our emotes added to DW.
[04:02] <Teamerz> and of course you cant just let me have my opinion
[04:02] <Teamerz> :/
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> I'm not not letting you have your opinion.
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> Keep it.
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> I dont care. Its yours.
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> Im trying to alleviate concerns.
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> Its my job.
[04:02] <Teamerz> ye but i didnt ask for u to 
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> Fair enough.
[04:02] <ZathusTheMageV> But I dont want to lose you.
[04:03] <Teamerz> ur lucky im even helping with the merge :/
[04:03] <ZathusTheMageV> Dont act like that :(
[04:03] <Teamerz> i could just be a complete bitch and not help with anything just because i dont want to
[04:03] <Teamerz> but im helping.
[04:03] <Teamerz> im still not sure if i will stay after the merge.
[04:04] <ZathusTheMageV> Just give it a chance. c:
[04:04] <Skye Sim> Well I will
[04:04] <ZathusTheMageV> And even then, this is all assuming the votes dont suddenly flip flop over the next three days lol
[04:05] <Teamerz> that wont be the case zathus
[04:06] <SuperRobot9338> Hi
[04:06] <SuperRobot9338> ZATHUS PLEASE
[04:06] <SuperRobot9338> RTHIJRTIRGILRT
[04:07] <ZathusTheMageV> What
[04:07] <SuperRobot9338> ok
[04:07] <SuperRobot9338> What favicon would you want for new wiki
[04:07] <ZathusTheMageV> To be honest, I don't know.
[04:08] <SuperRobot9338> I'm thinking Trapper Dominator
[04:08] <SuperRobot9338> it's like a Hub
[04:08] <SuperRobot9338> (Mothership would be kewlest but it's ded ;-;)
[04:08] <The Tidal Wave> The favicon is now the Defender right?
[04:08] <ZathusTheMageV> ikr
[04:08] <SuperRobot9338> On DW, yes
[04:08] <SuperRobot9338> I'm thinking of ways we can incorporate the Tankbulb on the New Wiki
[04:09] <SuperRobot9338> it'll probably be on the wordmark
[04:09] <SuperRobot9338> and almost certainly in the background
[04:09] <ZathusTheMageV> Yeah
[04:12] <Teamerz> i think some of my conceptions should be deleted
[04:12] <ZathusTheMageV> I am sunburned so bad. >_<
[04:13] <The Tidal Wave> rip your skin
[04:13] <ZathusTheMageV> It hurts ;-;
[04:13] <ZathusTheMageV> In other news, more Sassafras quotes
[04:15] <Skye Sim> I think the merge would give the wiki a sort of new feeling
[04:15] <Skye Sim> Because on one side you would have the factual stuff
[04:15] <Skye Sim> And on the other, you would have the Conceptions
[04:15] <Skye Sim> Like a library
[04:15] <SuperRobot9338> ye
[04:16] <SuperRobot9338> Library of Diep.io
[04:16] <Skye Sim> Sounds cool
[04:16] <ZathusTheMageV> Diepbrary
[04:16] <ZathusTheMageV> No
[04:16] <Teamerz> Librariep
[04:16] <The Tidal Wave> what is chap doing
[04:16] <SuperRobot9338> Ursuul
[04:16] <SuperRobot9338> Chap is ursuul confrimed
[04:17] <SuperRobot9338> they both glitch in/out of chat
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> Yeh
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> Taco does to
[04:17] <Teamerz> wait
[04:17] <Teamerz> SECOND HIVEMIND!?
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> Temz no
[04:17] <Teamerz> :O
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> -_-
[04:17] <Teamerz> SR ur a genius
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> ITS BEEN NINE DAYS
[04:17] <ZathusTheMageV> Why do we have a second one already
[04:18] <Teamerz> because grav keeps kiling me in the RPs
[04:18] <Teamerz> which makes dozens of myselves in the end
[04:18] <Teamerz> and because people like SR make links between facts
[04:18] <Teamerz> that end up giving me the hivemind idea
[04:19] <ZathusTheMageV> "Theres a man riding a horse on top of my chest" -Sassafras
[04:19] <Teamerz> "theres a man riding a horse"
[04:19] <Teamerz> that sounds wrong
[04:19] <ZathusTheMageV> It only sounds wrong because you make it sound wrong ;)
[04:19] <Teamerz> yes, i had to
[04:19] <Teamerz> o
[04:19] <Teamerz> :D
[04:19] <Teamerz> im wizard
[04:19] <ZathusTheMageV> lol
[04:21] <Skye Sim> So anyway
[04:22] <Skye Sim> Did you add anyone, Teamerz?
[04:22] <Teamerz> to the hivemind?
[04:22] <Skye Sim> Yes
[04:22] <Teamerz> well, smg, diepepic and coolest pip
[04:22] <Teamerz> unless u already knew
[04:23] <Skye Sim> Cool
[04:23] <Skye Sim> I didn't
[04:23] <Teamerz> other than that, a combination of 3 members of the hivemind
[04:23] <Teamerz> Zombie-type:Chapsteamz
[04:23] <Teamerz> 4 members*
[04:23] <Teamerz> and i think that one was made by zathsu
[04:23] <ZathusTheMageV> ?
[04:24] <Skye Sim> What if we took the 1st letter of each of the hivemind's members' names and put them together to make a word?
[04:24] <Teamerz> thats a great idea.
[04:26] <Skye Sim> It'll be a little hard since the first letters are usually consonants
[04:26] <Teamerz> i think i can still make it work.
[04:26] <Skye Sim> tidal, fallen booster, skye, SR, teamerz, taco, arenacloser1337, 4L0, The Archprophet, grav, diepmon, el armadillo, AM waves, intredistrict, SFU, icetudor, zathus, ozun, oo1oo2oo3oo4, your mom, totmgsrock, a random person, nobel, captain hayden and queen aysha, smgamermat7, diepepicbattle, coolestpip, the named BOSS, Ozziene, chapstick4yurlipis, Type:Sparky, zombie jotuc, (Combination)zombie-type:chapsteamz
[04:26] <Skye Sim> Ok so.
[04:27] <Skye Sim> Let's get to work
[04:27] <Teamerz> ye gimme a min
[04:29] <Skye Sim> tfbstta4tgdeAiSizooytrncqsdctoctzc
[04:29] <Teamerz> those r all the starting letters?
[04:30] <Skye Sim> Ye
[04:30] <Teamerz> uh.
[04:30] <Teamerz> i may have overestimated the possiblities
[04:30] <Skye Sim> There are many words you can make from this
[04:31] <Skye Sim> So that could be the name of the hive
[04:31] <Teamerz> ye but we need only one long lass name
[04:33] <Skye Sim> We should add Underslime
[04:33] <Teamerz> ye but i can only add them if something happens in the dcow canon
[04:36] <Skye Sim> Oh
[04:55] <Teamerz> ye imma go now
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> bye
[04:55] <Teamerz> bai
[05:01] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[05:01] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[05:01] <SuperRobot9338> WHERE IS GRAVIATAR
[05:02] <The Tidal Wave> left
[05:11] <SuperRobot9338> Ok
[05:27] <The Tidal Wave> ded chat
[05:49] <Skye Sim> Yea
[06:05] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[06:14] <The Tidal Wave> hi pip
[06:15] <Coolestpip> Heya Tidal
[06:47] <FallenBooster> heey
[06:47] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[06:55] <FallenBooster> rip chat
[06:55] <FallenBooster> hey chap
[08:23] <The Tidal Wave> very dead chat
[08:23] <The Tidal Wave> this has to be a record
[08:27] <IceTudor> so
[08:27] <IceTudor> tommorow either is merge
[08:27] <IceTudor> or not.
[08:27] <IceTudor> ...
[08:27] <IceTudor> wait a sec
[08:27] <IceTudor> john!
[08:27] <IceTudor> so you're in chat eh.
[08:27] <IceTudor> ...
[08:27] <IceTudor> countryball rp? 
[08:27] <IceTudor> =P
[08:32] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[08:32] <IceTudor> tidal
[08:33] <IceTudor> do you think the merge is a bad idea?
[08:33] <IceTudor> 
[08:33] <The Tidal Wave> no
[08:33] <The Tidal Wave> it's ok
[08:34] <IceTudor> really?
[08:34] <IceTudor> think of it as this
[08:34] <IceTudor> actually
[08:34] <IceTudor> no
[08:34] <IceTudor> just look at mine and ac's replies
[08:34] <IceTudor> on the thing
[08:38] <IceTudor> i dont want to argue
[08:38] <IceTudor> just read it
[08:40] <The Tidal Wave> i'm gaming
[08:41] <The Tidal Wave> eh
[08:41] <The Tidal Wave> i dead
[08:41] <IceTudor> 32*circle*#00b2e1[{"angle":0,"xoffset":0,"yoffset":0,"width":25,"baselength":65,"length":65,"basereload":120,"reload":0,"basedelay":0,"delay":0,"delayed":true,"hasKnockBack":true,"type":0,"knockback":0,"disabled":true,"spread":0,"b":[12.5,6.5,360],"damage":65,"comment":""}, {"angle":240,"xoffset":0,"yoffset":0,"width":25,"baselength":65,"length":65,"basereload":120,"reload":0,"basedelay":0,"delay":0,"delayed":true,"hasKnockBack":true,"type":0,"knockback":0,"disabled":true,"spread":0,"b":[12.5,6.5,360],"damage":65,"comment":""}, {"angle":120,"xoffset":0,"yoffset":0,"width":25,"baselength":65,"length":65,"basereload":120,"reload":0,"basedelay":0,"delay":0,"delayed":true,"hasKnockBack":true,"type":0,"knockback":0,"disabled":true,"spread":0,"b":[12.5,6.5,360],"damage":65,"comment":""}]
[08:41] <The Tidal Wave> what's that
[08:41] <The Tidal Wave> what's it for
[08:42] <IceTudor> tri tank
[08:42] <The Tidal Wave> that's it?
[08:42] <The Tidal Wave> upgrades from flank guard?
[08:42] <IceTudor> yup
[08:42] <IceTudor> to triple twin, triplet and hexa tank
[08:42] <The Tidal Wave> also
[08:42] <The Tidal Wave> personally i like small communities better
[08:43] <IceTudor> so you want us to split this community?
[08:43] <The Tidal Wave> nah
[08:43] <The Tidal Wave> but then again
[08:43] <The Tidal Wave> the DW community is huge
[08:43] <The Tidal Wave> but then
[08:43] <IceTudor> exactly
[08:43] <IceTudor> if we merge
[08:43] <The Tidal Wave> it will be easier to manage
[08:43] <IceTudor> the community splits
[08:43] <IceTudor> and i am NOT in the part you're gonna be.
[08:43] <IceTudor> i will be on the new DCoW
[08:44] <The Tidal Wave> oh well
[08:44] <The Tidal Wave> OW
[08:45] <The Tidal Wave> OW OW OW
[08:45] <IceTudor> so you practically hate me
[08:45] <IceTudor> and want to get rid of me?
[08:46] <The Tidal Wave> nah
[08:46] <The Tidal Wave> I mean
[08:46] <The Tidal Wave> if we merge
[08:46] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[08:46] <The Tidal Wave> gotta take sth
[08:47] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[08:47] <The Tidal Wave> so
[08:48] <The Tidal Wave> if we merge
[08:48] <The Tidal Wave> the DW will have a built in DCoW
[08:48] <The Tidal Wave> Why would you want a new one?
[08:48] <The Tidal Wave> And if people have actually played the game
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> I think they can tell between fanon and canon.
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> I mean
[08:49] <IceTudor> because the old DCoW will be gone
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> ???
[08:49] <IceTudor> and what about some blogs???
[08:49] <IceTudor> not all will be saved.
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> LAG
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> Blogs?
[08:49] <The Tidal Wave> not sure.
[08:50] <The Tidal Wave> But for me i don't need them.
[08:50] <The Tidal Wave> But the old DCoW isn't exactly gone
[08:50] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[08:50] <IceTudor> it is.
[08:50] <IceTudor> ._.
[08:51] <IceTudor> also the DW community is pure shit
[08:51] <IceTudor> and im saying that in front of ozun
[08:51] <IceTudor> ozone**
[08:51] <IceTudor> cause its a poisonous horrible smelling gas
[08:51] <The Tidal Wave> it's nice
[08:51] <IceTudor> nope
[08:51] <IceTudor> also i don t wanna talk about this
[08:51] <The Tidal Wave> ...
[08:51] <IceTudor> i did before
[08:51] <The Tidal Wave> you just
[08:52] <IceTudor> massive flamewar
[08:52] <IceTudor> i dont want to CONTINUE
[08:52] <The Tidal Wave> you just hate the community don't you?
[08:53] <IceTudor> no
[08:53] <IceTudor> its horrible
[08:53] <IceTudor> i've been there beofre
[08:53] <IceTudor> ozziene just spams emojiis
[08:53] <IceTudor> smg is creepy
[08:53] <IceTudor> ozun is
[08:53] <IceTudor> well...
[08:53] <IceTudor> ozun.
[08:54] <Tungster24> ice.
[08:55] <Tungster24> wher will you be,
[08:55] <Tungster24> languafull right?
[08:55] <Tungster24> bai
[08:55] <IceTudor> ta
[08:55] <IceTudor> ya
[08:55] <IceTudor> **
[08:55] <IceTudor> i will be on TNDCoW too
[08:55] <IceTudor> the new diepio conception wikia
[08:55] <IceTudor> languafull too
[08:56] <IceTudor> tung
[08:56] <IceTudor> noo
[08:56] <IceTudor> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/
[08:57] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[08:57] <The Tidal Wave> so you are leaving bc the DW community is bad
[08:58] <The Tidal Wave> at least partially
[08:58] <IceTudor> and that there is no reason for the merge
[08:59] <The Tidal Wave> i think i have a higher tolerance level than you do
[09:01] <IceTudor> please
[09:01] <IceTudor> i just dont wanna argue about this
[09:02] <The Tidal Wave> ok then
[09:02] <The Tidal Wave> no arguing it is
[09:03] <The Tidal Wave> so
[09:03] <The Tidal Wave> LAG
[09:04] <The Tidal Wave> so
[09:04] <The Tidal Wave> AGH
[09:04] <The Tidal Wave> SO MUCH LAG
[09:04] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[09:04] <The Tidal Wave> what
[09:06] <The Tidal Wave> lag
[09:07] <The Tidal Wave> guh
[09:07] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[09:07] <The Tidal Wave> Who's gonna be on the new wiki?
[09:08] <IceTudor> me
[09:08] <The Tidal Wave> AC
[09:09] <The Tidal Wave> TOTMG (?)
[09:09] <IceTudor> paris
[09:09] <The Tidal Wave> link to DCoWN?
[09:11] <IceTudor> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/
[09:12] <The Tidal Wave> why have "the" in the title
[09:13] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> Teamerz is against merging?
[09:14] <IceTudor> ya
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> Boss?
[09:14] <IceTudor> even he thinks its a bad idea
[09:14] <IceTudor> boss too
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> meh
[09:14] <IceTudor> not so funny when all people you know leave
[09:14] <IceTudor> right?
[09:15] <The Tidal Wave> now
[09:15] <The Tidal Wave> remember how i said i was neutral?
[09:15] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[09:15] <The Tidal Wave> never mind
[09:16] <The Tidal Wave> forget i said anything.
[09:16] <The Tidal Wave> so
[09:16] <The Tidal Wave> Oo1 i'm not familiar with
[09:16] <The Tidal Wave> Battlecats same
[09:17] <The Tidal Wave> AC is a nice guy
[09:17] <The Tidal Wave> Utkar i have no idea who he is
[09:17] <The Tidal Wave> Pulty same with Oo1
[09:17] <The Tidal Wave> Clorax, same with Oo1
[09:17] <The Tidal Wave> You are quite nice
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> TOTMG can be annoying but is otherwise fine
[09:18] <IceTudor> i wonder
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> Teamerz I'm neutral with
[09:18] <IceTudor> where'd viper006 go?
[09:18] <IceTudor> miss that guy
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> who?
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> never heard of him
[09:19] <The Tidal Wave> Boss is nice
[09:19] <IceTudor> i think he had the same prob as triplet
[09:19] <IceTudor> triplet left with minecraft
[09:19] <The Tidal Wave> Who's Triplet
[09:19] <IceTudor> samew with voop
[09:19] <IceTudor> ;-;
[09:19] <IceTudor> noone remembers the old times?
[09:19] <IceTudor> triplet and viper were friends of mine
[09:19] <The Tidal Wave> i joined in december
[09:19] <IceTudor> oh rip
[09:19] <IceTudor> way before.
[09:19] <The Tidal Wave> finally
[09:19] <IceTudor> like a few months
[09:19] <The Tidal Wave> District
[09:20] <IceTudor> thats super
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> not familiar
[09:20] <IceTudor> not intre
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> so
[09:20] <IceTudor> intre is a friend of trade
[09:20] <IceTudor> trade is a friend of am and unun
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> The only one i'll miss
[09:20] <IceTudor> unun and am
[09:20] <IceTudor> you already are
[09:20] <IceTudor> me?
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> uh?
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> I am what?
[09:20] <IceTudor> familirar with unun and am
[09:20] <IceTudor> also who will you
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> miss?
[09:20] <IceTudor> ya
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> AC
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> You
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> TOTMG
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> Teamz
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> And Boss
[09:21] <IceTudor> what about tung?
[09:21] <IceTudor> 
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> Not quite familiar with him
[09:21] <IceTudor> rly
[09:21] <IceTudor> ...
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> he's
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> just on vacation
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> is he leaving DW?
[09:21] <IceTudor> ...
[09:22] <IceTudor> he is on vacation
[09:22] <IceTudor> he just came
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> i mean after merge
[09:22] <IceTudor> he got internet.
[09:22] <IceTudor> yes
[09:22] <IceTudor> he is
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> ...kinda.
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> not as much as the others tho.
[09:22] <IceTudor> so now are you voting against?
[09:22] <IceTudor> cause people will leave
[09:22] <IceTudor> lots.
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> still neutral
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> cus
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> I think
[09:22] <The Tidal Wave> The one
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> I am most friendly with here
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> is...
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> uh...
[09:23] <IceTudor> me?
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> I actually don't know.
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> I think it might be Fallen.
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> ight.
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> might*
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> Possible canidates
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> Fallen
[09:23] <The Tidal Wave> AC
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> TOTMG
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> maybe Dracius
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> Boss
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> sorry you're not in it
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> maybe you actually
[09:24] <The Tidal Wave> So
[09:25] <The Tidal Wave> You, AC, Fallen, TOTMG (surprisingly), Drac
[09:25] <The Tidal Wave> and BOSS
[09:25] <The Tidal Wave> so in 6 people
[09:26] <The Tidal Wave> 4 are leaving
[09:26] <The Tidal Wave> hmm
[09:26] <The Tidal Wave> still neutral.
[09:26] <The Tidal Wave> So I'll be at the merged wiki
[09:26] <The Tidal Wave> and occasionally checking on you guys
[09:27] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[09:27] <The Tidal Wave> SR had a list on who's leaving and who's not
[09:27] <The Tidal Wave> So SR says
[09:27] <IceTudor> same
[09:28] <The Tidal Wave> So SR says Pulty, Clorax and you are leaving
[09:28] <IceTudor> teamz me ac paris
[09:28] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[09:28] <IceTudor> tell P and C where to go next.
[09:28] <The Tidal Wave> so SR's list is inaccurate?
[09:28] <IceTudor> the new diepio wikia
[09:28] <IceTudor> yeas
[09:28] <IceTudor> paris me ac teamz clorax pulty
[09:28] <The Tidal Wave> is TOTMG leaving?
[09:28] <IceTudor> no
[09:28] <IceTudor> he is part of DW wikia...
[09:28] <The Tidal Wave> ah.
[09:28] <IceTudor> sooo.
[09:29] <The Tidal Wave> still fine then
[09:29] <IceTudor> lemme see how cancer chat is
[09:29] <IceTudor> i maen DW chat
[09:29] <IceTudor> empty
[09:29] <The Tidal Wave> empty
[09:31] <The Tidal Wave> Honestly, I feel quite isolated on the wiki.
[09:31] <The Tidal Wave> I'm not complaining though.
[09:31] <The Tidal Wave> I don't like fame.
[09:31] <The Tidal Wave> It's annoying, trust me.
[09:31] <IceTudor> wel thats what they want
[09:31] <IceTudor> FAME
[09:31] <The Tidal Wave> no
[09:31] <IceTudor> they dont care about us
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> not that kind of fame
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> Fame
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> as in
[09:32] <IceTudor> they do
[09:32] <IceTudor> they want a bigger search engine
[09:32] <IceTudor> an app
[09:32] <IceTudor> and more
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> no
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> I meant
[09:32] <IceTudor> to bring in more shitty newbs here
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> I'm ok with internet fame
[09:32] <IceTudor> to fill up this already overcrowded wiki.
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> By fame,
[09:32] <The Tidal Wave> I mean fame in the place where you live.
[09:33] <The Tidal Wave> As in real life.
[09:33] <The Tidal Wave> It's ULTRA annoying.
[09:40] <IceTudor> oh
[09:48] <The Tidal Wave> bore
[09:48] <The Tidal Wave> bored*
[09:55] <The Tidal Wave> very bored
[10:02] <The Tidal Wave> <span class="me-username">* <span>The Tidal Wave</span></span> is so bored he has resorted to looping songs to listen over and over again
[10:03] <The Tidal Wave> too bored
[10:03] <The Tidal Wave> bye
[10:19] <IceTudor> ri
[10:19] <IceTudor> rip
[10:35] <IceTudor> who are you
[10:35] <Discussions> I am new. German.
[10:36] <Discussions> I am a programmer and a astronomer.
[10:36] <Discussions> *an.
[10:37] <IceTudor> mk
[10:37] <IceTudor> do you have a friend called Tucker?
[10:37] <IceTudor> just asking
[10:40] <Discussions> No.
[10:40] <Discussions> I don't have any friends.
[10:40] <IceTudor> oh
[10:40] <IceTudor> i remember tucker told me about some fred guy
[10:40] <IceTudor> i remember now though
[10:40] <IceTudor> he was british
[10:40] <IceTudor> also thats...
[10:40] <IceTudor> kinda sad
[10:41] <IceTudor> this place is actually preety good.
[10:41] <IceTudor> i can show around
[10:41] <IceTudor> and get you started
[10:42] <Discussions> Thanks.
[10:42] <IceTudor> hmm
[10:42] <IceTudor> lemme tell you about the people here
[10:42] <IceTudor> for example
[10:42] <IceTudor> if you want
[10:43] <Discussions> Also, check this one out: [[Minelayer]]
[10:43] <IceTudor> nice
[10:43] <IceTudor> i sort of agree with tacocat
[10:44] <IceTudor> you remind me of Intredistrict and AM Waves
[10:44] <IceTudor> from this wikia
[10:44] <IceTudor> also
[10:44] <IceTudor> i know a bit of german
[10:44] <IceTudor> not fully though
[10:44] <IceTudor> Guten morgen
[10:44] <IceTudor> =P
[10:45] <Discussions> Guten morgen auch dir.
[10:46] <Discussions> Well.
[10:47] <Discussions> The reason I commented on my page is that, an effect of loneliness.
[10:57] <Discussions> Hello?
[11:11] <Discussions> Chat died...
[11:15] <IceTudor> baCK
[11:15] <IceTudor> oops
[11:16] <IceTudor> capslock
[11:21] <Discussions> Hello.
[12:11] <IceTudor> bored
[12:11] <IceTudor> what do we do now.
[12:12] <Discussions> I don't know.
[12:22] <FallenBooster> hi
[12:23] <FallenBooster> wanna join my collab?
[12:23] <FallenBooster> kek
[12:24] <FallenBooster> anyone
[12:25] <Discussions> I do.
[12:43] <Discussions> Hello.
[12:45] <IceTudor> hmm
[12:45] <IceTudor> fallen i wanna join
[12:45] <Teamerz> hi
[12:47] <Intredistrict> Hello.
[12:47] <Discussions> Hi.
[12:48] <Intredistrict> I gotta go.
[12:49] <FallenBooster> ok
[12:49] <FallenBooster> ice wats ur nokia
[12:49] <FallenBooster> i mean wat nokia number u want
[12:49] <FallenBooster> u can use 9000 for example
[12:49] <FallenBooster> nokia 9000 communicator, i mean
[12:50] <Discussions> May I join?
[01:13] <IceTudor> oh my god.
[01:13] <IceTudor> i just saw some kittens
[01:13] <IceTudor> born just a few hours ago
[01:13] <IceTudor> so cute
[01:14] <Discussions> I am watching Rob Dyke.
[01:14] <IceTudor> oh
[01:14] <IceTudor> so does intre
[01:14] <IceTudor> huh
[01:15] <IceTudor> oh
[01:15] <IceTudor> intre himself left
[01:23] <FallenBooster> kk
[01:26] <FallenBooster> anyone
[01:27] <IceTudor> what collab?
[01:29] <Discussions> May I join your collaboration?
[01:56] <IceTudor> ...
[02:13] <Graviatar> Quick question: Where is the page that has the wikia medals?
[02:15] <Teamerz> its the Project:Medals
[02:15] <Teamerz> one
[02:15] <Teamerz> [[Diep.io Conception Wikia:Medals]]
[02:17] <Graviatar> Thanks teamerz
[02:17] <Graviatar> and.
[02:17] <Graviatar> that's quite the mess!
[02:18] <Graviatar> wow
[02:20] <IceTudor> hi intre
[02:20] <Intredistrict> Hi.
[02:22] <IceTudor> i wonder
[02:22] <IceTudor> meigakure and 4d toys are a think
[02:22] <IceTudor> thing**
[02:22] <IceTudor> 4d games
[02:22] <IceTudor> i wounder
[02:22] <IceTudor> wonder**
[02:23] <IceTudor> could we base our game's 4d engine on that?
[02:23] <Graviatar> 4D
[02:23] <Graviatar> hm
[02:23] <Graviatar> Fourth dimension is about duration...
[02:24] <IceTudor> 4th spacial dimention
[02:24] <IceTudor> ffs
[02:24] <Graviatar> Jee
[02:24] <IceTudor> and in a game
[02:24] <IceTudor> it isnt programmed to be another dimension
[02:24] <IceTudor> TIME
[02:24] <Graviatar> -_-
[02:24] <IceTudor> time is just sprites/models changing.
[02:24] <IceTudor> and moving
[02:24] <IceTudor> there isnt really time in a game
[02:24] <IceTudor> it just changes from pixel to pixel.
[02:24] <Graviatar> I'm not uninformed about this topic.
[02:24] <IceTudor> voxel to voxel
[02:24] <IceTudor> ...
[02:25] <IceTudor> i wonder
[02:25] <IceTudor> pixels are 2d
[02:25] <IceTudor> voxels 3d
[02:25] <Graviatar> true.
[02:25] <IceTudor> what about 4d
[02:25] <IceTudor> 
[02:25] <IceTudor> ??/
[02:25] <Graviatar> 4D square s?
[02:26] <IceTudor> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t4aKJuKP0Q
[02:26] <IceTudor> yeah
[02:26] <IceTudor> texels
[02:26] <IceTudor> from TESSERACT
[02:26] <IceTudor> [yt="0t4aKJuKP0Q"]
[02:27] <Graviatar> Hm
[02:27] <Graviatar> They seem to pop in and out of existence when you start rotating
[02:29] <Coolestpip> 4d square s what is this?!
[02:37] <FallenBooster> yes
[02:37] <FallenBooster> its the nokia bosses
[02:37] <Intredistrict> Did you add 9920?
[02:38] <FallenBooster> yes
[02:38] <FallenBooster> http://prntscr.com/fnaykr
[02:39] <FallenBooster> intred?
[02:40] <Intredistrict> It's great.
[02:40] <FallenBooster> actually
[02:41] <FallenBooster> its based on the nokia lumia 920
[02:41] <IceTudor> shii
[02:41] <FallenBooster> 9920 doesn't exist
[02:41] <IceTudor> coolest left
[02:41] <IceTudor> brb.
[02:41] <FallenBooster> but lumia 920 does
[02:42] <FallenBooster> http://prntscr.com/fnb0ad
[02:42] <FallenBooster> nokia 3310 
[02:43] <FallenBooster> and nokia 3210
[02:46] <ArenaCloser1337> hey
[02:47] <IceTudor> hi
[02:47] <IceTudor> arena
[02:47] <IceTudor> [yt="0t4aKJuKP0Q"]
[02:48] <ArenaCloser1337> that's hot
[02:50] <FallenBooster> lol
[02:50] <IceTudor> [yt="vUfwBJpGKZs"]
[02:50] <IceTudor> bettah
[02:53] <Intredistrict> Hi.
[02:55] <IceTudor> hey
[02:55] <IceTudor> so there exists a 4d rubix cube
[02:55] <IceTudor> could we make a rubix pentachoron?
[02:57] <FallenBooster> only in pc simulations
[02:57] <FallenBooster> not irl
[02:57] <FallenBooster> :v
[02:58] <Teamerz> ^
[02:59] <IceTudor> ya ik
[03:00] <ArenaCloser1337> 5D rubix cube
[03:00] <ArenaCloser1337> 6D rubix cube??
[03:00] <IceTudor> 7d is cool to watch
[03:00] <ArenaCloser1337> k
[03:00] <Teamerz> we can only make 3D irl
[03:00] <IceTudor> i know
[03:00] <IceTudor> im not dum
[03:00] <IceTudor> dumb**
[03:08] <Intredistrict> It is speculated that a 4D object would cause a continuum void.
[03:08] <Intredistrict> Like black holes, but impossible to understand.
[03:17] <FallenBooster> lol
[03:19] <IceTudor> what if black holes are 4 dimensional
[03:19] <IceTudor> U U
[03:31] <The Tidal Wave> Hi
[03:35] <Intredistrict> I am actually glad Anatoly is dead.
[03:41] <ArenaCloser1337> gtg
[03:41] <ArenaCloser1337> bye
[03:52] <IceTudor> uhhh
[03:52] <IceTudor> okay?
[03:55] <Intredistrict> ?
[03:55] <Intredistrict> I mean... It is said but, he deserved it.
[03:58] <Battlcats30alt> ey guys
[03:59] <Intredistrict> Hi.
[03:59] <Battlcats30alt> also gravi
[03:59] <Battlcats30alt> can you make bricks in diep style?
[03:59] <Battlcats30alt> tanks
[04:05] <Battlcats30alt> "No tank can handle the immense power though this powerful weapon."
[04:05] <Battlcats30alt> TBOO and Li'l TBOO
[04:07] <IceTudor> it could work as a rectangle reskin.
[04:07] <IceTudor> intre
[04:07] <IceTudor> i need you to move my dolminox to http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Dolminox
[04:08] <Intredistrict> Why don't you move?
[04:09] <Battlcats30alt> xD
[04:09] <FallenBooster> hi
[04:11] <Battlcats30alt> hey fb
[04:11] <Battlcats30alt> can you make bricks in diep style?
[04:11] <Battlcats30alt> also http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat
[04:15] <Battlcats30alt> nvm did it
[04:15] <Battlcats30alt> go here
[04:15] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Bricks
[04:17] <Battlcats30alt> ice?
[04:17] <Battlcats30alt> 
[04:17] <Battlcats30alt> ICE
[04:17] <Battlcats30alt> are you afk
[04:21] <IceTudor> yes i am
[04:21] <IceTudor> well
[04:21] <IceTudor> actually
[04:22] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Bricks
[04:22] <IceTudor> the only response to the question
[04:22] <IceTudor> ARE YOU SLEEPING
[04:22] <IceTudor> is no
[04:22] <IceTudor> no
[04:22] <IceTudor> so no
[04:23] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat
[04:26] <Battlcats30alt> WHY IS EVERYONE AFK
[04:27] <IceTudor> got myself some chips
[04:27] <IceTudor> is it weird
[04:27] <IceTudor> i once ate BBQ lays with garlic sauce
[04:27] <IceTudor> it actually is preety good
[04:27] <IceTudor> chips + sauce = perfeect
[04:27] <Battlcats30alt> go here ice
[04:27] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat
[04:27] <Intredistrict> Garlic sauce?
[04:28] <IceTudor> yup.
[04:28] <IceTudor> i ate chips with sauce once
[04:28] <IceTudor> wish i had some sauce like that
[04:28] <IceTudor> again
[04:28] <IceTudor> it actually tasted preety good.
[04:29] <Intredistrict> I prefer BBQ sauce.
[04:29] <Battlcats30alt> guys
[04:29] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat
[04:29] <IceTudor> eh
[04:29] <IceTudor> works 
[04:29] <IceTudor> if BBQ lays
[04:29] <IceTudor> also yay you eat it like that too
[04:30] <FallenBooster> ice
[04:31] <FallenBooster> wat nokia would u liek for da collab
[04:31] <IceTudor> hmm
[04:31] <IceTudor> what nokias are used?
[04:31] <IceTudor> 
[04:31] <Intredistrict> 9920
[04:31] <Teamerz> wat'd i miss
[04:31] <Intredistrict> I suggested 9920.
[04:32] <Intredistrict> He made 3310.
[04:32] <IceTudor> damnit
[04:32] <IceTudor> i wanted the 3310
[04:32] <IceTudor> its the strongest one
[04:32] <Battlcats30alt> 3310, 3210, and 1011
[04:32] <Battlcats30alt> 1011 is the weakest one because of stupid AI\
[04:33] <IceTudor> lol
[04:33] <Battlcats30alt> it
[04:33] <IceTudor> maybe
[04:33] <IceTudor> the 2nd strongest
[04:33] <Battlcats30alt> is so ridiculously stupid that it only shoots polygons
[04:33] <IceTudor> lol
[04:33] <Battlcats30alt> it rams into alpha pentagon s and bullet streams
[04:34] <IceTudor> thats like diep.io begginer
[04:34] <IceTudor> except for me
[04:34] <Battlcats30alt> and sometimes it rams into its other components
[04:34] <IceTudor> my first run i defeated no 1
[04:34] <Battlcats30alt> killing both of them
[04:34] <Intredistrict> 9920 is one of the strongest ones.
[04:35] <Battlcats30alt> "Nokia 3320 has been defeated by Nokia 1011."
[04:35] <IceTudor> what abount
[04:35] <IceTudor> Nokia 3311
[04:36] <Battlcats30alt> I DIED TO A FREAKING ASSASSIN BEAR
[04:36] <Battlcats30alt> MY CAT CANNON WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH
[04:36] <Intredistrict> I am getting bored...
[04:38] <IceTudor> same
[04:38] <Battlcats30alt> remaking dolminox
[04:39] <Battlcats30alt> in a different color scheme possibly
[04:40] <IceTudor> dont.
[04:40] <Battlcats30alt> fine
[04:42] <Battlcats30alt> it's either you save them to your computer and move them to their new area, get them remade, or not have a picture
[04:43] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[04:43] <IceTudor> OR
[04:43] <IceTudor> ffs
[04:46] <Intredistrict> What did I miss?
[04:46] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Stone
[04:46] <Battlcats30alt> Go here intre
[04:47] <Battlcats30alt> And go to chat
[04:50] <SuperRobot9338> wait
[05:00] <IceTudor> zath
[05:00] <IceTudor> terraria
[05:00] <IceTudor> please make a server
[05:00] <IceTudor> ip and port
[05:01] <Intredistrict> Hello. 
[05:04] <SuperRobot9338> προσθαφαίρεσις
[05:04] <Battlcats30alt> zath
[05:04] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Stone
[05:05] <Battlcats30alt> OH GOD
[05:05] <Battlcats30alt> THAT CAN'T BE FIXED
[05:12] <IceTudor> good job paris
[05:12] <IceTudor> immature
[05:12] <Battlcats30alt> and i unbanned you
[05:12] <Battlcats30alt> if you try that again, you'll be banned AGAIN
[05:14] <IceTudor> brb
[05:23] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[05:26] <The Tidal Wave> anyone here?
[05:27] <Battlcats30alt> ey
[05:27] <The Tidal Wave> hi battlecats
[05:29] <The Tidal Wave> ah
[05:29] <The Tidal Wave> zath left
[05:31] <Battlcats30alt> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Chat
[05:31] <Battlcats30alt> [verybig] BEEP BEEP I'M A SHEEP
[05:34] <Teamerz> u know ice can unban himself if hes bureaucrat
[05:34] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[05:37] <The Tidal Wave> hi boss
[05:37] <The named BOSS> Hi
[05:38] <Battlcats30alt> [yt="DBPfOX7t4bM"}
[05:38] <Battlcats30alt> [yt="DBPfOX7t4bM"]
[05:39] <IceTudor> paris
[05:39] <IceTudor> thats immature as fuck
[05:39] <IceTudor> simply because i said i did not like that art
[05:39] <IceTudor> because truly it was horrendous
[05:39] <IceTudor> doesnt mean i should be banned
[05:39] <The named BOSS> You can unban yourself i
[05:40] <Battlcats30alt> Yeah but you know what?
[05:40] <Battlcats30alt> I MADE THAT ART
[05:40] <The named BOSS> Oh well
[05:40] <The named BOSS> Practice makes perfect m8
[05:40] <IceTudor> who cares if you made it
[05:41] <IceTudor> thats like making a mushroom on fire
[05:41] <The named BOSS> Put as much time and effort into the banner as you can
[05:41] <IceTudor> someone says: its bad
[05:41] <IceTudor> you say: YES BUT I MADE IT
[05:41] <The named BOSS> "so it's automatic ly good"
[05:42] <IceTudor> its like gravi
[05:42] <IceTudor> he's always full of pride
[05:42] <IceTudor> even tho his art isnt that good
[05:42] <IceTudor> ffs
[05:42] <IceTudor> gravi isnt the fucking mona lisa
[05:42] <Teamerz> "always full of pride"
[05:43] <Teamerz> yeah no
[05:43] <The named BOSS> Grav is pretty good at art though
[05:43] <The named BOSS> Not perfect
[05:43] <The named BOSS> BUT AT 
[05:43] <IceTudor> yeah yes.
[05:43] <The named BOSS> BUT
[05:43] <Teamerz> yes not always full of pride.
[05:43] <IceTudor> yeah
[05:43] <IceTudor> no.
[05:43] <The named BOSS> wtf autocorrect
[05:43] <Teamerz> Besides he doesnt need to be able to make the mona lisa
[05:44] <IceTudor> also gravi is kinda 
[05:44] <IceTudor> insulting.
[05:44] <Teamerz> says you :/
[05:44] <IceTudor> you dont know what happened to intre
[05:44] <IceTudor> that time
[05:44] <IceTudor> that flamewar
[05:44] <IceTudor> VÄR
[05:44] <IceTudor> VÄR NEVER CHÄNGES
[05:45] <Teamerz> i dont need to know what happened to intre
[05:48] <The named BOSS> TIDAL?!
[05:54] <SuperRobot9338> Grav is decent
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> yes Boss?
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> (sorry bout the delay)
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> nvm
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> gtg guys
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> bye
[05:58] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[06:00] <IceTudor> boss
[06:00] <IceTudor> imma try to unpan you
[06:03] <IceTudor> teamz
[06:03] <IceTudor> how do i unban people
[06:08] <IceTudor> intre
[06:08] <IceTudor> how do i unban people
[06:09] <Teamerz> ?
[06:09] <Teamerz> unban from chat or wiki
[06:09] <IceTudor> chatt
[06:09] <Teamerz> go on their profile and click contributions
[06:09] <IceTudor> mk
[06:10] <Teamerz> above their contribution list should be link to things such as "block" and shit
[06:10] <Teamerz> dats where u gotta look
[06:10] <IceTudor> so how do i do it
[06:10] <IceTudor> i see a list
[06:10] <IceTudor> chat ban log?
[06:10] <IceTudor> 
[06:11] <Teamerz> ye i think
[06:12] <IceTudor> what next.
[06:12] <Teamerz> just link me to them
[06:12] <Teamerz> .3.
[06:13] <IceTudor> http://the-new-diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Contributions/The_named_BOSS
[06:13] <Teamerz> he never got baned from the chat tho
[06:14] <IceTudor> he did
[06:14] <IceTudor> oh.
[06:14] <IceTudor> he got KICKED
[06:14] <IceTudor> fuuck
[06:14] <IceTudor> well
[06:14] <IceTudor> atleast good to know how.
[06:14] <IceTudor> teamz
[06:14] <IceTudor> hmm
[06:14] <Teamerz> wat
[06:14] <IceTudor> could you make a 4D game?
[06:14] <IceTudor> and if you could
[06:14] <IceTudor> would you?
[06:15] <Teamerz> technically yes
[06:15] <Teamerz> and no
[06:30] <The named BOSS> There already is a 4D game
[06:30] <The named BOSS> Forgot the name
[06:30] <IceTudor> meigakure and 4d toys
[06:30] <The named BOSS> Oh okay
[06:31] <The named BOSS> I mean like a puzzle game pretty something 
[06:31] <IceTudor> 4d rubix cube
[06:31] <IceTudor> 4d maze
[06:31] <IceTudor> theres alot
[06:31] <The named BOSS> Oh yeah that's it
[06:31] <The named BOSS> The first one
[06:32] <The named BOSS> [yt="9yW--eQaA2I"]
[06:32] <IceTudor> i wonder
[06:32] <IceTudor> we could make a 5d game
[06:33] <The named BOSS> Yeah
[06:33] <The named BOSS> It is possible
[06:33] <The named BOSS> I think
[06:33] <Teamerz> only in theory.
[06:33] <Teamerz> it wouldnt legit be a 5d game
[06:35] <The named BOSS> 3D games aren't legit 3D
[06:35] <The named BOSS> It's looks 3d, but it is 2d
[06:35] <IceTudor> neither 2d and 1d
[06:35] <IceTudor> or 0d
[06:36] <Teamerz> no, 3d games ARE legit
[06:36] <IceTudor> ya
[06:40] <Teamerz> ded shat
[06:41] <The named BOSS> Huh
[06:41] <IceTudor> but they're on a monitor
[06:41] <The named BOSS> I mean...
[06:41] <IceTudor> with 3d atoms
[06:41] <The named BOSS> Yeah
[06:41] <The named BOSS> Erm
[06:41] <The named BOSS> Okay
[06:42] <IceTudor> rip
[06:42] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[06:44] <The named BOSS> Hi
[06:44] <The named BOSS> [yt="vvUX6uHqbm0"]
[06:45] <The named BOSS> Not even 30 secs into the video we get fucking roasted 
[06:46] <IceTudor> SCIENCE PHILE!
[06:47] <The named BOSS> "However, by seeing this image, you can not say you have experienced the 4th dimension, because it is represented in your 3d world, on a 2d screen, in your 1d brain"
[06:48] <The named BOSS> Freaking sciencefile 
[06:48] <FallenBooster> bakk
[06:48] <The named BOSS> Sciencephile*
[06:48] <FallenBooster> roasted
[06:48] <SuperRobot9338> ROPASTED
[06:53] <The named BOSS> Rp?
[07:20] <FallenBooster> who wants to join my collab?
[07:21] <FallenBooster> i mean the "nokias" collab
[07:23] <The named BOSS> Eh
[07:36] <Intredistrict> Dead.
[07:38] <IceTudor> gtg
[07:45] <TBOO-Y> hello world
[07:46] <TBOO-Y> chat is dead, gonna go for a fighter run, bye
[07:46] <TBOO-Y> (afk)
[07:57] <Intredistrict> Hello.
[07:57] <Coolestpip> Heya
[07:57] <Coolestpip> I just looked at how the people on the Diep.io wikia are reacting to this
[08:01] <The named BOSS> Yup
[08:01] <The named BOSS> Oh
[08:01] <The named BOSS> Chat didn't load
[08:02] <The named BOSS> So hi
[08:02] <The named BOSS> FIIIIGHTER
[08:02] <The named BOSS> Rp? Please? Soooo bored.
[08:03] <Intredistrict> Well.
[08:04] <Intredistrict> One of the main things I get about this wiki is, chat dies a lot.
[08:04] <Teamerz> gotta be expected with people like SR, fallen booster and grav
[08:05] <TBOO-Y> I'm back
[08:05] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#71C55189BB30771F2B103C02
[08:06] <Teamerz> I'm front
[08:06] <The named BOSS> Rp?
[08:07] <Teamerz> ill join in if i see a big fight happening.
[08:07] <Teamerz> as usual.
[08:08] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#71C55189BB30771F2B103C02 sry
[08:09] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[08:09] <The named BOSS> (Rp start, who is in, who is not?)
[08:14] <TBOO-Y> (not me)
[08:15] <Graviatar> :P
[08:16] <Graviatar> I'm sometimes active in chat, other times just observing,
[08:16] <Graviatar> or simply doing something
[08:16] <Graviatar> :P
[08:19] <TBOO-Y> I'm AFK
[08:23] <The named BOSS> K
[08:23] <The named BOSS> Y?
[08:25] <The named BOSS> I meant why, but I was talking to TBOO-Y lol
[08:34] <Intredistrict> ~Chat session ended.~
[08:40] <The named BOSS> Chat.
[08:40] <The named BOSS> Is
[08:42] <Intredistrict> Well. Just give up. No one is gonna type or something.
[08:42] <The named BOSS> [giant] [b] [shadow="orange"] [c="black"] DEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÅĀAAAAAAAÆAAAAAAĂĄAAAAÀÂÁÃÄD
[08:43] <The named BOSS> GAH
[08:43] <The named BOSS> Screw this
[08:44] <The named BOSS> *spirals off screen and a crash sound effect plays and explosions appear from that direction*
[08:48] <FallenBooster> ok
[08:48] <The named BOSS> *the whole chat is on fire*
[08:49] <The named BOSS> *ozun explodes from the heat*
[08:50] <The named BOSS> *coolest is running around, on fire*
[08:50] <The named BOSS> *Fallen gets hit by and explosion and is sent into space*
[08:50] <The named BOSS> *the moon explodes*
[08:50] <The named BOSS> *graviatar sees the chaos and just leaves*
[08:51] <Teamerz> *teamerz sits there and watches*
[08:51] <Intredistrict> Eh, jyeah. As we saw... Nothing will happen for next 1 hours I bet.
[08:51] <The named BOSS> *super is too busy eating a banana to notice*
[08:51] <Teamerz> y do u always say jyeah
[08:51] <The named BOSS> *boss is bouncing off the walls*
[08:52] <The named BOSS> *also on fire*
[08:52] <The named BOSS> Y know what
[08:52] <The named BOSS> Imma start drawing funny scenes in the chat
[08:53] <ArenaCloser1337> Hey
[08:53] <The named BOSS> Hi
[08:54] <ArenaCloser1337> On mobile
[08:54] <The named BOSS> *ac1337 is also on fire and running in circle s*
[08:54] <ArenaCloser1337> ._.
[08:56] <Intredistrict> Hi.
[08:57] <Intredistrict> Also, ArenaCloser, the chat would be dead for an hour or so if you didn't come.
[08:57] <ArenaCloser1337> Really?
[09:00] <FallenBooster> i gtg
[09:00] <FallenBooster> but
[09:00] <FallenBooster> say nokia if u join
[09:01] <FallenBooster> wait
[09:01] <FallenBooster> i haz tiem
[09:02] <The named BOSS> Fallen did you see the whole chat on fire thing?
[09:05] <Intredistrict> @ArenaCloser Jyeah, 90%
[09:06] <The named BOSS> Rp?
[09:08] <FallenBooster> lol
[09:08] <FallenBooster> i was da nokia 3310
[09:08] <FallenBooster> and...
[09:08] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[09:08] <FallenBooster> every bullet fired to try penetrate it...
[09:08] <FallenBooster> will get rekt no matter wat
[09:08] <FallenBooster> yes
[09:09] <FallenBooster> both bullets can get rekt
[09:10] <The named BOSS> Hi
[09:10] <The named BOSS> *a nearby square Boxer is on fire and running around*
[09:11] <The named BOSS> Totally didn't destroy the entire chat via flame or anything, wasn't me... *zooms away*
[09:14] <FallenBooster> guys
[09:14] <FallenBooster> i truly must gtg
[09:15] <Intredistrict> Bye then.
[09:15] <The named BOSS> Bye
[09:15] <Intredistrict> Teamerz, it's a reference to Lance "Ryder" Wilson.
[09:16] <Teamerz> y r u ttelling me dat
[09:16] <Teamerz> im not even looking
[09:16] <Intredistrict> I mean, "jyeah".
[09:16] <Intredistrict> It's a reference to him.
[09:16] <Teamerz> kden
[09:16] <Teamerz> and u need to do it every time
[09:17] <Intredistrict> I don't know, it's a habit.
[09:18] <The named BOSS> Rp?!?!?!!
[09:25] <Teamerz> ?!?!?!!pR
[09:26] <Intredistrict> .haeyJ
[09:27] <The named BOSS> ?seY 
[09:28] <Teamerz> .ebyaM
[09:30] <The named BOSS> ?ertnI tuoba thaW 
[09:30] <Intredistrict> ?won tahW
[09:32] <Teamerz> gnihton ,woN
[09:32] <The named BOSS> on ro seY ?pR
[09:33] <Intredistrict> .oN
[09:34] <Teamerz> gnitseretni ti fi ylnO
[09:34] <Intredistrict> .sknahT
[09:37] <Intredistrict> .hE
[09:43] <The named BOSS> I
[09:43] <The named BOSS> iH 
[09:45] <Intredistrict> .iH
[09:45] <The named BOSS> Screw this
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *spirals off screen and a crash sound effect plays and explosions appear from that direction*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *the whole chat is on fire*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *ozun explodes from the heat*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *coolest is running around, on fire*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *Fallen gets hit by and explosion and is sent into space*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *the moon explodes*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *graviatar sees the chaos and just leaves*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *teamerz sits there and watches*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *super is too busy eating a banana to notice*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *boss is bouncing off the walls*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> *also on fire*
[09:45] <The named BOSS> Oops
[09:46] <The named BOSS> Rp?
[09:47] <Intredistrict> Hello again ArenaCloser.
[09:54] <Ursuul> hi
[09:55] <The named BOSS> A 
[09:55] <Intredistrict> Hi Ursuul.
[10:02] <Teamerz> grav
[10:02] <Graviatar> Yes, Teamerz?
[10:02] <Teamerz> is guardian Y to the rescue?
[10:02] <Graviatar> Yes he is.
[10:03] <Teamerz> yaaay
[10:03] <Teamerz> also i dont have anything to do
[10:03] <Teamerz> ;-;
[10:03] <Teamerz> do u got an idea
[10:03] <Intredistrict> Neither do I.
[10:03] <Graviatar> *Draws a guardian with a superman logo being crossed over by the letter Y.
[10:03] <Teamerz> lmao
[10:04] <Intredistrict> *Slow Clap* Jyeah, we have the "animator". Great...
[10:04] <Intredistrict> Eh. Help over here please.
[10:04] <Teamerz> i feel like we should add more to the dcow canon
[10:04] <Teamerz> (by RPing of course)
[10:05] <Intredistrict> https://youtu.be/8WGsQPfjtEY?list=PLQKlHp9A8xVTdP0OthSGE2hkBRTrI7VwP&t=538
[10:06] <Intredistrict> That's the point of intellectual failure.
[10:06] <The named BOSS> DID SOMEONE SAY RP
[10:08] <The named BOSS> *chat's fire is dying down*
[10:09] <Intredistrict> Click the link above.
[10:09] <The named BOSS> *nvm a thing of superrobots banana fuel or something idk caught fire*
[10:10] <The named BOSS> *everything and everyone is on fire*
[10:10] <Teamerz> *Teamerz duplicates from being on fire*
[10:10] <Teamerz> *teamerz keeps exponentially duplicating because everything is on fire*
[10:11] <Teamerz> *teamerz eventually becomes the fabric of the universe*
[10:11] <Intredistrict> The link above is the valid point of intellectual collapse.
[10:11] <Teamerz> *then everything explodes*
[10:12] <Graviatar> *Graviatar watches with a box of popcorn and eats it*'
[10:12] <TBOO-Y> im back alive, got 88k with Gunner Trapper on 2 teams, got rip-ed by an Overlord
[10:12] <Graviatar> WOO
[10:12] <Intredistrict> [yt="h8WGsQPfjtEY"] Watch 5:55.
[10:12] <Graviatar> *Trappers are the best*
[10:13] <TBOO-Y> *lel*
[10:13] <Teamerz> *teamerz walks up to grav*
[10:13] <Teamerz> *poke*
[10:13] <TBOO-Y> Y you poke Grav? :(
[10:13] <Graviatar> *Graviatar just sits there, ignoring*
[10:13] <Teamerz> *pokes more*
[10:13] <The named BOSS> *boss spirals through the air*
[10:13] <Graviatar> *Graviatar still sits there.*
[10:13] <Intredistrict> [yt="8WGsQPfjtEY"]
[10:14] <The named BOSS> *crash*
[10:14] <Intredistrict> Here.
[10:14] <Teamerz> *pokes rapidly*
[10:14] <The named BOSS> *explosion*
[10:14] <Intredistrict> The 5:55 is the collapse of American Intelligence.
[10:14] <Graviatar> *Graviatar shifts a little*
[10:14] <Teamerz> *pokes extremely rapidly until grav gives attention*
[10:14] <Graviatar> *Graviatar finally turns towards teamerz*
[10:15] <Graviatar> WhAT
[10:15] <The named BOSS> *boss lands on top of teamz*
[10:15] <TBOO-Y> lol 5:55 proceeds to stutter
[10:15] <The named BOSS> Whoops
[10:15] <Intredistrict> *Looks at them*
[10:15] <Teamerz> teamerz: i got a mes-
[10:15] <Intredistrict> What in the-actually, I don't want to know.
[10:15] <Teamerz> *faces goes into the ground as boss falls on him*
[10:16] <Graviatar> *Graviatar begins to chuckle.*
[10:16] <Teamerz> *teamerz gets back up and pushes boss off of him*
[10:16] <Teamerz> teamerz: grav, i got a message to deliver
[10:16] <Graviatar> Grav: Yes?
[10:16] <Teamerz> teamerz: i could have done the task myself but its directed to guardian Y
[10:16] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[10:16] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#D2F49B13BB30EFF8A0FC62
[10:16] <TBOO-Y> hi
[10:17] <Graviatar> Grav: Oh... this must be a special delivery!
[10:17] <The named BOSS> [c="red"] "L[c="white"]ooks"
[10:17] <Teamerz> teamerz: a group of unknown tier tanks are ravaging a server
[10:17] <Graviatar> Grav: Unknown you say? That's crime!
[10:17] <Teamerz> teamerz: and from what i have been tol-
[10:17] <SuperRobot9338> GRAV
[10:17] <Teamerz> *teamerz is quiet for a moment*
[10:17] <SuperRobot9338> HOW ARE THOSE ICONS DOING
[10:17] <Graviatar> *Super robot interrupts*
[10:17] <SuperRobot9338> (lenny)
[10:17] <Intredistrict> Intredistrict: As I know, they must have a valid Tier plate.
[10:17] <SuperRobot9338> jk
[10:18] <The named BOSS> *L starts spinning around and mLg explosions and sounds appear*
[10:18] <Graviatar> SUparroobot
[10:18] <Graviatar> Please, tell me which ones are staying and which ones aren't
[10:18] <Graviatar> I'm still confused?
[10:18] <Teamerz> *after a minute of silence teamerz turns to grav again*
[10:18] <The named BOSS> Oh yeah grevious started a war, not that you should care
[10:18] <Teamerz> teamerz: they have been confirmed to be higher than tier 6.
[10:18] <Intredistrict> Intredistrict: Well, this is awkward.
[10:18] <Graviatar> *Turns towards teamerz again*
[10:18] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#D2F49B13BB30EFF8A0FC62
[10:18] <SuperRobot9338> it's only 4 more icons
[10:18] <SuperRobot9338> after the two I gave you
[10:19] <Graviatar> *Still listening to Supar*
[10:19] <Intredistrict> I always thought Grevious was inspired from General Grevious, Star Wars.
[10:19] <Teamerz> teamerz: so yeah, thats all i got
[10:19] <Graviatar> Grav: Oh my, I must tell Guardian Y to purge those suckers!
[10:19] <Teamerz> teamerz: indeed
[10:19] <The named BOSS> (Eh I got the name from that, and he WAS a general before he killed all his superiors)
[10:20] <Teamerz> teamerz: now i have to go uh.. do stuff.
[10:20] <Teamerz> teamerz: nothing you have to know about
[10:20] <The named BOSS> I WANNA COME BLOW SHIT UP
[10:20] <Teamerz> *teamerz runs away into the horizon*
[10:20] <Graviatar> Grav: *Totally not suspicious*
[10:20] <Intredistrict> Oh. It's AM Waves' turn.
[10:21] <Intredistrict> (We take turns to use this computer. We live together.)
[10:21] <The named BOSS> RARRRGH
[10:21] <TBOO-Y> Here they are
[10:22] <TBOO-Y> hi
[10:22] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#D2F49B13BB30EFF8A0FC62
[10:22] <Diepmon> HAI GRAVI
[10:22] <Diepmon> And everyone
[10:22] <Diepmon> BYE
[10:22] <Graviatar> uh
[10:23] <Graviatar> Hi-bye 
[10:23] <Diepmon> Oh indestrict and am live together, cool
[10:23] <Diepmon> now actually bye
[10:23] <Diepmon> just checking in
[10:23] <AM Waves> Bye.
[10:23] <The named BOSS> Bye
[10:23] <The named BOSS> BAI LACUS
[10:23] <AM Waves> Oh well.
[10:24] <AM Waves> We take turns for this computer... Jyeah, we use 2.2 meter plank to stabilize the chair.
[10:24] <The named BOSS> CAN I COME WITH GUARDIAN Y???
[10:24] <TBOO-Y> can people pls join?
[10:25] <The named BOSS> Mobile
[10:25] <TBOO-Y> o
[10:25] <TBOO-Y> am?
[10:28] <TBOO-Y> anyone wanna join?
[10:28] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y is not in the building*
[10:28] <Graviatar> Well, he's doing some... intense stuff right now...
[10:29] <Graviatar> *looks at the bathroom*
[10:29] <TBOO-Y> Super wanna join
[10:29] <Graviatar> supar*
[10:31] <TBOO-Y> *super
[10:31] <Graviatar> *SUPAR**
[10:32] <TBOO-Y> LOOK IT UP
[10:32] <The named BOSS> RAAAGH
[10:33] <The named BOSS> [c="red"] [b] [giant] TEAMERZ!!!
[10:33] <Teamerz> wat
[10:33] <TBOO-Y> brb
[10:35] <Teamerz> i thought guardian Y was sent to kill dem
[10:35] <The named BOSS> I WANNA TOO!!!
[10:36] <Teamerz> depends if he already took care of dem.
[10:36] <Teamerz> ask grav.
[10:36] <The named BOSS> WHATEVER!
[10:36] <AM Waves> I don't know anything about Guardian Y, so I am quiet.
[10:36] <Teamerz> oh yeah
[10:37] <Teamerz> you werent there when it happened
[10:37] <Teamerz> do you want a resume?
[10:37] <AM Waves> Okay.
[10:37] <The named BOSS> *somehow locates location of enemy tanks*
[10:38] <The named BOSS> THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!
[10:38] <Teamerz> basically,
[10:38] <Graviatar> It begins with the letter L
[10:38] <Teamerz> it was a group of copies of myselves fighting against guardians and crasher bosses for the L
[10:38] <Teamerz> and boss was trying to get it too.
[10:38] <AM Waves> Oh.
[10:39] <AM Waves> It's an "original" idea then.
[10:39] <Teamerz> and then at one point grav summoned the guardian X
[10:39] <Teamerz> and then i smashed the guardian X with the L which made the guardian L
[10:39] <Graviatar> *from lightning
[10:39] <Graviatar> wait
[10:39] <Teamerz> then we kept on fighting, and at one point the hivemind L itself existed
[10:39] <Graviatar> Guardian L was first
[10:39] <Teamerz> wat
[10:39] <Graviatar> then hivemind
[10:39] <Teamerz> ye ik
[10:39] <Graviatar> then X's
[10:39] <Teamerz> wait wot
[10:39] <Teamerz> u sure
[10:39] <Graviatar> ok continue
[10:39] <Teamerz> kden
[10:40] <AM Waves> You typed like IceTudor.
[10:40] <AM Waves> In lines.
[10:40] <Teamerz> basically, the hivemind L kept reforming and splitting until one point where it reached "max" capacity
[10:40] <Teamerz> then it exploded killing everything in a 10 kilometer radius except guardian L and boss
[10:40] <The named BOSS> And A YouTube was there
[10:40] <The named BOSS> Mskajska 
[10:40] <The named BOSS> Y 
[10:41] <Teamerz> and a glowing Y came out of the hivemind L's rests and merged with guardian L
[10:41] <Teamerz> which ended up giving guardian Y, dont ask where the L went
[10:41] <AM Waves> Also, I saw the "Merge Proposal" thing.
[10:41] <Teamerz> then a L appeared out of nowhere and a clone of myself went to catch it, while the universe was tearing apart because zathsu was waking up
[10:41] <Teamerz> (it was actually all happening in zathsu's dream)
[10:42] <AM Waves> It's just gonna end in tomfoolery.
[10:42] <Teamerz> then a portal opened and me, guardian Y, boss and some other stuff got out into the real world
[10:42] <The named BOSS> It always does
[10:42] <AM Waves> That's all my opinion is about.
[10:42] <Teamerz> and we all escaped outside of zathsu's bedroom in the end.
[10:42] <Teamerz> with the picture of a L missing which was stolen from my clone
[10:42] <AM Waves> https://youtu.be/NNNWtZKMDKo?list=PLQKlHp9A8xVTdP0OthSGE2hkBRTrI7VwP&t=36
[10:42] <Teamerz> the end.
[10:42] <AM Waves> Thanks.
[10:43] <The named BOSS> And then whenever someone says the letter L, everybody goes apeshit. 
[10:44] <The named BOSS> L
[10:44] <AM Waves> And then chat gets expired?
[10:44] <AM Waves> I am not talking anymore.
[10:44] <The named BOSS> Aw
[10:45] <The named BOSS> It didn't work
[10:45] <The named BOSS> L L L
[10:45] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y takes the L*
[10:45] <The named BOSS> Hey! 
[10:45] <Graviatar> Guardian Y: HISSS!
[10:45] <Teamerz> *teamerz goes in for the L*
[10:46] <AM Waves> Stop itttttt...ttt...t...tttt...t.ttt 
[10:46] <AM Waves> ~Robert "Rob" Dyke
[10:46] <The named BOSS> *boss smashes teamerz over the head with the t in thier name*
[10:46] <Teamerz> *teamerz counters the smash with a headbutt and grabs the T, before charging at guardian Y for the L*
[10:48] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y floats up and avoids teamerz*
[10:49] <The named BOSS> *boss somehow caught on fire agian, and catches guardian Y on fire*
[10:49] <AM Waves> (Remember the good old days this wiki was peacifull?)
[10:49] <Teamerz> *teamerz leaps from the ground and takes the L while guardian Y is distracted*
[10:50] <The named BOSS> (No) 
[10:50] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y did a stop-drop and roll*
[10:50] <Theelementalmaster> *I proceed to watch the chaos from the distance*
[10:50] <The named BOSS> (No I'd dont, and I don't think that was ever a thing*
[10:50] <Teamerz> *teamerz dashes from the air and prepares to strike guardian Y with the T*
[10:51] <AM Waves> (It was for a short period of time)
[10:54] <AM Waves> Instant Death.
[10:55] <TBOO-Y> im baaaack
[10:55] <The named BOSS> *boss headbutts teamz out of the air*
[10:55] <TBOO-Y> hi diepmon
[10:55] <Diepmon> FINISH HEXEN GRAVI
[10:55] <Diepmon> bye
[10:56] <The named BOSS> AND OCTRAX
[10:56] <The named BOSS> bye lakys 
[10:56] <AM Waves> Diepmon, really?
[10:56] <TBOO-Y> lel what is going on
[10:56] <Teamerz> *teamerz falls to the ground at high speed from the hit and dies*
[10:56] <Teamerz> *he splits in two*
[10:57] <Teamerz> *both of the teamerz's bounce up to boss and start throwing barrages of attacks at him*
[10:57] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y shot a beam that fused the two teamerz as one*
[10:57] <AM Waves> ZathusTheMageV called "that" guy mature?
[10:57] <The named BOSS> OW OUCH SHIT AGH!
[10:57] <Teamerz> *the two teamerz fuse, making them twice as proficient in everything*
[10:57] <TBOO-Y> Diepmon "owns" EToD
[10:57] <AM Waves> Hah, better luck next time Mrs.ZathSu.
[10:57] <TBOO-Y> anyway, anyone for some diep?
[10:58] <Graviatar> Guardian Y: Uh... that's not what I expected...
[10:58] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#D212248BBB30E589E2C37E
[10:58] <Teamerz> *teamerz dashes at the speed of a race car up to guardian Y and start bashing him with the T, dozens of times per second*
[10:59] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y suddenly spins around incredibly fast, creating a wind current that causes the Teamerz to fly off spinning*
[10:59] <Teamerz> *teamerz is flying so fast at his bones break in mid-air, killing him*
[10:59] <Teamerz> *he splits in two yet again*
[10:59] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y shots another resurrection beam*
[11:00] <Teamerz> *they both merge again, now 4 times better than the original*
[11:00] <Teamerz> *teamerz leaps faster than the speed of sound up to guardian Y, fist first.*
[11:00] <The named BOSS> *that same little sad gunner bullet from last time hits a world destroying nuke*
[11:01] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y teleports before they touch*
[11:01] <Teamerz> *teamerz changes his trajectory in mid-air, and bounces back to guardian Y's new location*
[11:01] <TBOO-Y> *TBOO-Y was activated
[11:01] <Graviatar> *Reappears near the teamerz, and surrounds them with pentagon s*
[11:01] <TBOO-Y> *spawns many Guardian Xs
[11:01] <Teamerz> *the pentagon s disappear within an instant, and teamerz didnt even seem to move at all*
[11:02] <TBOO-Y> *TBOO-Y attacks Teamerz
[11:02] <Teamerz> (wut does he attack with tho)
[11:02] <TBOO-Y> (The TOTMGsRock Profile Pics
[11:02] <The named BOSS> *both quadisaster and the trickster are watching*
[11:02] <The named BOSS> Quadisaster: Trickster, want some popcorn?
[11:02] <Teamerz> (bro dats just too op)
[11:02] <TBOO-Y> Trickster: Yes
[11:03] <TBOO-Y> (ok)
[11:03] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y then summons alpha pentagon s to surround Teamerz*
[11:03] <Teamerz> *the alpha pentagon s are thrown towards guardian Y and teamerz moved to an angle of guardian Y where he cant see him*
[11:03] <The named BOSS> *TBOO spawns, and deletes TBOO-Y and itself*
[11:03] <Graviatar> *The alpha pentagon s orbit Guardian Y*
[11:04] <Graviatar> *and shot back at teamerz with high speed*
[11:04] <Graviatar> *He turns around an realizes he shot a dummy*
[11:04] <Teamerz> *teamerz comes from behind and punches guardian Y*
[11:05] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y grabs the teamerz slams him to the ground*
[11:05] <Teamerz> *teamerz dies and splits in two*
[11:05] <The named BOSS> (Shooting teamerz means you are shooting a dummy)
[11:05] <The named BOSS> (Jk pls no hurt me)
[11:05] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y doesn't fire his resurrection beam
[11:06] <Teamerz> *both of teamerzs realize a very good strategy*
[11:06] <Teamerz> *they both sprint away at incredible speed*
[11:06] <Graviatar> *Instead he fires it at one teamerz nearby a rock*
[11:06] <Graviatar> *The rock fused together and are inable to move*
[11:06] <Teamerz> *the teamerz is now made of stone*
[11:06] <TBOO-Y> im going to go play fighter for a bit, bye
[11:07] <Graviatar> *you're a statue now**
[11:07] <Teamerz> *the second teamerz punches the rock teamerz to death*
[11:07] <Graviatar> *It doesn't split because it's a rock*
[11:08] <Teamerz> *the teamerz throws the rock one into the air, and hits him so hard it kills him ,creating 2 of the non-rock teamerzs*
[11:08] <Teamerz> *this repeats so fast guardian Y cannot react, and now there are 16 teamerzs*
[11:08] <The named BOSS> *the nuke hits marz*
[11:08] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y finds a body of water and lures 9 teamerz to it, he shoots the beam and turns the teamerz into water*
[11:09] <Teamerz> *the rest of the teamerzs meanwhile were still doing the strategy, and there are now 64 of them, half of which guardian Y didnt notice were quickly dashing around him*
[11:09] <The named BOSS> *a piece of marz lands on all the teamerzs 
[11:09] <The named BOSS> *
[11:09] <Teamerz> *all the teamerzs die and split, making 128 of them*
[11:09] <Teamerz> *64 of them are circling guardian Y*
[11:10] <The named BOSS> *another nuke goes towards joopeter*
[11:10] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y digs down undergound..*
[11:10] <Teamerz> *8 teamerzs got ahead and block the path of guardian Y, while 32 others are coming from behind him*
[11:11] <AM Waves> What is the pentagon colour RGB?
[11:11] <Graviatar> *He creates a spinning sawblade made of crasher s in front of himself*
[11:11] <Graviatar> 
[11:12] <Graviatar> *Then Guardian Y realizes something wicked*
[11:12] <Teamerz> *the teamerzs quickly kill the crasher s by throwing rocks from the underground*
[11:12] <AM Waves> Hello?
[11:12] <Teamerz> *4 of the teamerzs from behind reach up to guardian Y and prepare to punch him*
[11:13] <Graviatar> Guardian Y summons a storm of crasher s and send them to every teamerz, he fires his resurrection beam to all but one, and turning them into his own crasher s*
[11:13] <Graviatar> *And gtg for food*
[11:13] <Teamerz> rip
[11:13] <Teamerz> bai
[11:13] <Graviatar> *be back in 10 or so*
[11:13] <Graviatar> mins*
[11:14] <Teamerz> k
[11:14] <AM Waves> Bye.
[11:14] <The named BOSS> Bye
[11:14] <The named BOSS> *boss grabs the L sudden
[11:14] <The named BOSS> y, and teleport way, they were on fire*
[11:14] <AM Waves> What is the pentagon 's RGB code?
[11:15] <Teamerz> *128 teamerzs go after boss, 28 of which were already ahead and grabbing the L*
[11:15] <Teamerz> *meanwhile more teamerzs are being produced*
[11:15] <Teamerz> y dont u check am
[11:16] <The named BOSS> RARR
[11:16] <AM Waves> I can't find it anywhere.
[11:16] <Teamerz> then just find it by yourself
[11:16] <Teamerz> .-.
[11:16] <Teamerz> its super easy
[11:16] <AM Waves> Oh really?
[11:16] <TBOO-Y> ok im done
[11:16] <AM Waves> "Super Easy" peh.
[11:16] <Teamerz> ye
[11:16] <Teamerz> super easy.
[11:17] <The named BOSS> *boss grabs a nearby "anti hivemid" spray bottle, which when sprayed on a hive mind clone of somebody, destroyies them and no extra clones are produced, this can not be used on the original*
[11:17] <TBOO-Y> 0 R 0 R 96 B? XD
[11:17] <TBOO-Y> oops
[11:17] <Theelementalmaster> Dats a lot of teamerz's
[11:17] <Teamerz> (unfortunately your spray doesnt have enough range to get them all)
[11:18] <The named BOSS> *boss sprays it on one*
[11:18] <Teamerz> *one teamerz dies and 27 others start flyign away with the L as a hundred of them all group up on boss to make him crash into the ground*
[11:19] <TBOO-Y> Poll:
[11:19] <The named BOSS> *boss gets crashed into the ground, injured but not killed*
[11:19] <TBOO-Y> Is Spike good or bad?
[11:19] <TBOO-Y> bad
[11:19] <Teamerz> *95 of the teamerzs that were on boss go up and form a big ball of teamerzs around the L with the others*
[11:19] <Teamerz> *the 5 others are still punching boss*
[11:20] <The named BOSS> *boss sprays it on 34 of them*
[11:20] <Teamerz> *there are now 450 teamerzs left*
[11:22] <The named BOSS> *he does it agian, but in 56 of thwm*
[11:22] <The named BOSS> *them*
[11:22] <Teamerz> *meanwhile, 70 teamerzs are produced*
[11:23] <Teamerz> *a stream of 200 teamerzs form a thick sphere around boss*
[11:23] <Teamerz> *he is floating in mid-air in the middle*
[11:23] <The named BOSS> *boss drops the spray on accident*
[11:23] <The named BOSS> HALP
[11:24] <Teamerz> *one of the teamerzs take the spray, dashes far away and explodes it*
[11:24] <Teamerz> *the 200 teamerzs are now, one after another, attacking boss every tenth of a second*
[11:24] <Theelementalmaster> Air Drop Incoming:Crate of Anti-Hivemind Spray
[11:24] <The named BOSS> STOP!!!!
[11:25] <Teamerz> *10 teamerzs intercept the crate and throw it outside the atmosphere*
[11:25] <Teamerz> *250 teamerzs are now orbiting around boss*
[11:25] <Graviatar> bak
[11:25] <Teamerz> welcome back
[11:25] <The named BOSS> HELP MEH!
[11:25] <AM Waves> Hi again.
[11:25] <Theelementalmaster> Fighters Incoming...
[11:25] <Graviatar> "Guardian L flys up*
[11:26] <Teamerz> *the teamerzs are now equipped with swords and knives*
[11:26] <Teamerz> *300 of them keep attacking boss*
[11:26] <Teamerz> (guardian L?)
[11:26] <Theelementalmaster> *The fighters begin attacking the teamerzs*
[11:26] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y*
[11:26] <Theelementalmaster> *with tremendous speed*
[11:26] <The named BOSS> FIGHTERS!!!!
[11:26] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y shot one resurrection beam that fused all the teamerz together and Boss....*
[11:26] <Teamerz> *50 of the teamerzs turn toward the fighters and dodge the attacks, and start impaling them with the swords*
[11:27] <Teamerz> *there are now 1024 teamerzs merged into one, and boss.*
[11:27] <Theelementalmaster> *They don't do a scratch*
[11:27] <Graviatar> Guardian Y: Oh shoot...
[11:27] <Teamerz> (i will be playing as the teamerz part of the fuse)
[11:27] <Teamerz> teamerz: what did you expect?
[11:27] <Theelementalmaster> *fighters begin pouring in like a waterfall*
[11:27] <Theelementalmaster> Okay, that's a lot of fighters
[11:28] <Graviatar> Guardian Y: Pfft, actually, what are you going to expect?
[11:28] <Teamerz> *a hundred of fighters are already dropping before they even know what happened to them*
[11:28] <Teamerz> teamerz: im going to expect to keep duplicating and getting stronger.
[11:28] <Theelementalmaster> *Many fighters begin shooting at the large teamerz with devestating bullets*
[11:29] <Teamerz> *60% of the bullets are dodged, and the total of the bullets barely leave a scratch on teamerz*
[11:29] <Teamerz> *teamerz starts killing fighters at an astonishing speed, with only a couple of attacks*
[11:29] <Theelementalmaster> *motherships begin spawning with mini dominators on them*
[11:29] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y shot one final resurrection beam with the L and the swarm of fighters and Teamerz... all fused into the L.
[11:30] <Teamerz> (grav)
[11:30] <Teamerz> (u dont have the L anymore, its been a while)
[11:30] <Graviatar> (I didn't say I [i] have [i] the L
[11:30] <Theelementalmaster> *A FIGHTER Somehow grabs the L and crashes next to Guardian Y*
[11:30] <Teamerz> (ye but what i mean is u dont know where it is at all)
[11:30] <The named BOSS> *but grevious pushed guardian Y into the fusion too, and leaves, bc why not*
[11:31] <Graviatar> (do you?)
[11:31] <Teamerz> (ye, its part of teamerz-boss already)
[11:31] <Graviatar> (was he the one I fused all the teamerz together?)
[11:32] <Teamerz> (most of the teamerzs were roaming around the L, protecting it, so the L is part of the new teamerz's body, divided in small atoms)
[11:32] <Graviatar> (I'm still confused)
[11:32] <Teamerz> *teamerz dodges the fusion beam because of his god-like speed*
[11:32] <Teamerz> (you fusioned the teamerzs, boss and the L all at once, grav)
[11:32] <Teamerz> (the L is a component inside of the body now)
[11:33] <Graviatar> (ah)
[11:33] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y begins to panic*
[11:33] <Teamerz> *teamerz stands still as he waits for someone to attack*
[11:33] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y just stays floating, watching*
[11:34] <Teamerz> *teamerz turns to guardian Y*
[11:34] <The named BOSS> *a red grappling hook shoots out of it and latches onto guardian Y, pulling it into teamerz-boss (
[11:34] <The named BOSS> *
[11:34] <Teamerz> teamerz: why did you do this
[11:34] <Graviatar> Guardian Y: An experiment gone wrong!
[11:34] <Theelementalmaster> *The fighters crash into the teamerz using highly explosive explosives*
[11:34] <Teamerz> teamerz: you shouldn't have tried to end us...
[11:34] <Teamerz> *the fighters explode but have no effect on teamerz, because they were chasing an after-image*
[11:34] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y throws away his resurrection beam*
[11:35] <Theelementalmaster> *more fighters crash into the real teamerz*
[11:36] <The named BOSS> *a huge bomb filled with anti hivemind spray lands on the teamerz-boss, and explodes, drenching everyone in anti hivemind spray*
[11:36] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y runs away*
[11:36] <The named BOSS> *the regular teamerz and boss are left sitting in a pile of ashes*
[11:36] <Theelementalmaster> *Rhe fighters begin firing anti hive mind spray*
[11:36] <Teamerz> *teamerz dodges all of the fighters with ease, while the spray doesn't effect him, because he is exponentially stronger than the normal one*
[11:37] <Graviatar> *meanwhile from space, where none of the teamerz were suspecting*
[11:37] <Teamerz> *teamerz teleports behind of the fighters and throws hundreds of rocks at them, while they miss their shots*
[11:38] <The named BOSS> *do you know the powers more powerful than ANYTHING else?!*
[11:38] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y ordered a solar reflector satellite to aim an incerneray beam at Teamerz*
[11:38] <The named BOSS> *human stupidity, memes*
[11:38] <Teamerz> *teamerz looks up while still annihilating the fighters*
[11:38] <Teamerz> teamerz: huh, thats weird
[11:39] <The named BOSS> *a fighter with a lab coat flies up there in a space ship*
[11:39] <The named BOSS> Fighter: That will not do anything, I recommend...
[11:40] <Graviatar> *Suddenly a kilometer wide beam strikes down in an instant, incinerating everything in its wake, burning a hole in the ozone layer. Everything is a scorched landscape.*
[11:40] <The named BOSS> Fighter: Either a human stupidity powered laser, or a...
[11:40] <Theelementalmaster> *The fighters shoot dark matter at teamerz*
[11:40] <The named BOSS> *the fighter facepalms*
[11:40] <Teamerz> *teamerz splits apart and teleports away from the dark matter*
[11:40] <The named BOSS> Fighter: Or a PINGAS beam.
[11:40] <Teamerz> *there are now two teamerzs with power equivaling 1024 teamerzs each*
[11:40] <Theelementalmaster> *One of the fighters stop firing*
[11:40] <The named BOSS> (I can't belive I said that*
[11:40] <Graviatar> wait
[11:41] <The named BOSS> )
[11:41] <Graviatar> (Teamerz did you see what I did?)
[11:41] <Teamerz> (?)
[11:41] <Graviatar> (-_-)
[11:41] <Teamerz> (the beam thing?)
[11:41] <Graviatar> (yes..)
[11:42] <The named BOSS> Fighter: TAKE MY ADVICE, GUARDIAN Y.
[11:42] <Teamerz> (ye i saw, but since 1024 teamerzs can move faster than the speed of light, and their reflexes are unsurpassed, they managed to start running away, got cut in half and then while their momentum was carrying, they split into two*
[11:42] <Teamerz> )
[11:42] <Theelementalmaster> brb
[11:43] <Graviatar> (Teamerz, have you realize that if you can go faster than light, your perception of time slows down to a stop completely?*
[11:43] <Teamerz> (yes but they dont have to go faster than light, they can go at half that speed)
[11:43] <Teamerz> (or evne a tenth)
[11:43] <Graviatar> (Then the beam would strike you before you can react*)
[11:43] <Teamerz> (or a millionth)
[11:44] <The named BOSS> Fighter: Please use one of those 2 things.
[11:44] <Teamerz> (as i said, the reflexes of 1024 teamerzs combined is immeasurably high)
[11:44] <Teamerz> (its not like they are unbeatable)
[11:45] <Graviatar> (They couldn't see it coming though.)
[11:45] <Teamerz> (they were already looking up in the sky when it was charging tho)
[11:45] <Graviatar> (but you never mentioned [i] that... [/i])
[11:45] <Teamerz> (ye i did)
[11:45] <Teamerz> (ill copy it)
[11:46] <Graviatar> (you just said "huh, that's wierd")
[11:46] <Teamerz> "*teamerz looks up while still annihilating the fighters*
[11:46] <Teamerz> teamerz: huh, thats weird"
[11:46] <Teamerz> "looks up"
[11:47] <Graviatar> (but it doesn't necessarily mean it was a reflector when you said that)
[11:47] <Graviatar> just looks up
[11:47] <AM Waves> Graviatar...
[11:47] <Teamerz> (ye, if you are outside and you look up, you look at the sky)
[11:47] <Graviatar> (Duh, I know that >_<
[11:47] <Teamerz> (and the beam came from the sky)
[11:47] <AM Waves> I made something, but I don't know if you will like it or not...
[11:48] <Graviatar> (But the beam is pretty much instantaneous)
[11:48] <Teamerz> (ye but so are their reflexes)
[11:48] <Graviatar> (but they will still meet)
[11:48] <Teamerz> (and plus since their sight is 1024 better than normal, they could easily see it)
[11:49] <Graviatar> (fine.)
[11:49] <Teamerz> (do u want help on getting rid of them? xD)
[11:49] <Graviatar> (yes) 
[11:49] <AM Waves> https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/0/0a/Leviathan.png/revision/latest?cb=20170623234917
[11:49] <AM Waves> Well...
[11:49] <The named BOSS> Fighter:Sigh...
[11:49] <AM Waves> The A is just random.
[11:49] <Graviatar> Am
[11:50] <Graviatar> is this some thing against me
[11:50] <Teamerz> (currently, your best bet is to distract them with hundreds of things at once, such as thousands of crasher s and dozens of copies of those beams)
[11:50] <Teamerz> (but make the beams unharmful so it doesnt split them)
[11:50] <Teamerz> (and after that, use the fusion ray with the crasher s or the air)
[11:51] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y collects a bunch of laser pointers*
[11:51] <Teamerz> *teamerz shows up in front of guardian Y*
[11:51] <Teamerz> teamerz: what are you doing?
[11:51] <AM Waves> Did you take it that way, because it was supposed to be a decor.
[11:51] <AM Waves> Not an offense.
[11:52] <AM Waves> Ah dang it. I ruined it.
[11:52] <Graviatar> *Guardian Y creates 120 holographic clones of himself, each with a laser pointer, they all fly into random directions*
[11:53] <Teamerz> *both teamerzs follow a clone from the eyes*
[11:53] <Teamerz> *they stay idle*
[11:54] <Graviatar> *half of the guardian Y clones have a resurrection beam, only one actually works, one fires each fake beam nearby but not at the two teamerz* *LIGHT SHOW!*
[11:55] <Teamerz> *the teamerzs are waiting for something to happen*
[11:55] <Teamerz> teamerz 1: boring
[11:55] <Teamerz> teamerz 2: agreed